Chapter three: Mystery girl

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All through the week i have been wondering who mystery girl is, i saw her in the halls now and then but i was to scared to go and talk to her, which is not me i don't get nervouse around poeple, what is this girl doing to me? i thought to myself. It's now Friday and i can see mystery girl in the hall by herself, Now's your chance! i thought to myself. I begin to walk over to her when a red haired girl walks up to her a hugs her, mystery girls face went bright red and the red haird girl was flirting with her.

I felt my blood boil at the sight but i didn't know why, i mean i don't even know mystery girls name, why am i getting jealous?, i walked away not wanting to see anymore. The weekend came and i received a notification on my phone from snapchat saying *@mysteriegirl just followed you*.

I opened it saying "Hi who is this?"

She replied with "Well your friends say i'm known as mystery girl to you"

I started blushing "Oh you know about that, sorry i don't know your actual name so thats what i reffered to you as"

She replied "well why didn't you just ask?"

I blushed "I guess i was just to nervouse to talk to you"

She replied with "Why you so nervouse to ask?"

I stuggled trying to type an explanation and i came out with "i guess cos your the most gorgeouse girl i have ever met"

It took a minute for her to reply but when she did it said " Well same goes for you mystery woman, thats my name for you to"

I replied face beet red "Thanks mystery girl, also we really need to learn eachothers names"

She replied "I agreee, meet me at my locker in school at lunch tomorrow"

I rpelied "Will do, until them mystery girl ;) "

Will they finally learn eavhothers names?

What will happned when Veronica goes to Mystery girls locker? find out in the next chapter x

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