The Party: part 2

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When I walked in I saw Austin and a gil named Cloe. I was in so much disbelief. I didn't worry . I moved him off the toilet and threw up. He called somebody. They had a their phone .more people came and started recording me . I tried to get up but when I did I just fell and threw up all over Austin. I was so embarrassed.why would he do that but especially get it on tape. While I looking ugly with make up running down my face. He didn't even get my good side. But really why would he cheat on me. I felt so betrayed.
Uniques POV
I heard a crowd of people laughing. I grabbed the girls and went to check it out. I was wondering why everyone was in Austin' s room. I squeezed my way through. I saw Melissa she looked horrible. And they filmed that totally not cool. I grabbed Melissa and we all took a cab home . we took her to her room. Her mom was get suspicious we just told her she fell asleep.
Melissa's POV
I felt like shit .I felt I was going to die tonight. Everyone and everything was a big blur. I could barely even hear or feel anything.
Jordan's POV
I felt so bad for her  she got humiliated and recorded. No tried to help her. She was sick and everyone laughed . that's just hell a scan.
Curtreese POV
I would of kicked all their asses if u wasn't helping my girl. They better be lucky cause its not happening again. F you Austin.

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