Untitled Part 22

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Minerva hugged her and laughed a little. Then, she pick all her belongings, and Cheshire to go to the door of the train and when she arrived to the Edinburgh station, her family was there to receive her and all was kisses, huggs and joy.

No magic for the next weeks.

When the initial days passed, Minerva asked her father to buy Christmas presents for her friends, and he said that that was a great idea and also they have to search something to thank her teacher for the rom bottle and the book.

She explained him that she thought about buy him an agenda. Robert McGonagall nodded because that was a perfect and useful gift for a teacher, and took her to the stationer's shop of the little village.

She found one all purple with smiling yellow stars, winking orange suns and sleeping baby blue moons drawn on the covers and she automatically picked it.

Her father smiled a little to her, and stopped because they were there to choose one for her teacher, not for that girl, her friend Poppy. But she could take it to her too if she wanted.

Minerva blinked a little the first seconds imagining Poppy with that super gaudy agenda with all the glitter, for sure she would throw it to her head and then assured to her father that this was for Albus Dumbledore, not for Poppy.

He frowned a little because he said that she could give it to Poppy but they have to pick one for Dumbledore anyways.

And Minerva blinked again before rolling her eyes. So, she went to choose one elegant and sober, all of black leather and decided that she would give that to Poppy or maybe she would keep it for herself.

Her father was way more satisfied with that and bought both agendas and some wrapping paper.

When they arrived back home, she prepared two boxes to send the Christmas presents.

The Poppy one was full with the sober agenda, some postage stamps and instructions to send letters by the muggle post-offices, pencils and pens (she thought it could be fun) the Snowhite book and a hair ribbon that she thought that Poppy could like.

The Dumbledore one was full with the moons and stars agenda, candies, cookies and chocolates, a rosary and a bottle with holy water because he said once he wanted to do experiments with it, a paper folded phoenix and unicorns, a matches box and some magnets.

Minerva realized that this box was a mess as its owner. (You can't give him all this crap and then complain because his office is full of crap)

She also got a boy scouts manual for Filius and a thread bracelet for Alonna.

Dumbledore box is a hugger-mugger of a box

It's a disaster and in a less fun way... He would found five howlers when he came back of the Christmas lunch... (and some other Christmas cards)

He sighed and opened the first suspecting they were from...

"Is this shit recording or not? Bloody hell, how do you know when you can start speaking? I don't know if I have to yet! Bugger. Well, I'm speaking just in case... What the bloody book says? ... This don't have any sense, people, you need some bloody indicator or something. Some sparkles or something that say «Minerva, you can start talking bloody right now» that would be bloody sensitive, because this is a mess. At least more sensitive that this bloody... well, it's recording or not? how can I listen what I said to know when it started? ..."

He blinked. B-But why did she sent him a Howler?!

There are like four more.

Merlin. He tried to figure out if they were in order. He sat down and breathed deeply, and opened the second. (He realized by this point that he may have preferred a Howler from his brother as he thought they were)

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