getting the job(rewritten)

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(y/n) pov

You groaned in frustration as you threw the paper you were once holding on the ground "this is stupid" you complained to your mom, see your mother was trying to convince you to get a job, seeing as you were 18 but had no money for your own house "honey it's just a job it won't kill you" your mother replied "ughhh i know but i don't want a job, aw well i'll keep looking i guess" you replied lazily while starting up to your room, making sure to grab the paper you threw down moments ago in the process. You flopped on the bed looking through the paper a bit more before an ad for something finally caught your eye 'freddy fazbear's pizza reopening, night guard needed' you quirked an eyebrow "huh seems easy enough" you spoke to yourself. You sat up from your bed and made your way downstairs

"Mom i found a job i might be able to take" you spoke to your mother who was sitting on the couch in the living room and watching t.v "oh wonderful! Where at?" she asked "it's the grand reopening of Freddy's, they need a night guard" you said with a gentle smile being sent her way despite wanting to go back to your room and stay under the covers all day "ok alright, be careful sweetie and good luck" she called out "i will mom thank you" you responded heading to your car, once you were inside you started it up and began to head there. It was a bit farther than you expected it to be. It was actually about an hour away, but it didn't matter that much considering you weren't in a rush. Once you arrived at the pizzeria you walked inside for the instant smell of people to reach your nose and the sound of kids laughing, screaming, and crying filled your ears "good thing i'm taking the nightshift"

You looked over to the stage that held three animatronics, a bright blue bunny 'why is he blue?', a light brown bear, and a bright yellow chicken with it's original bib and cupcake. the only changes was that the words on the bib were changed and she had...underwear? On.. they also all had red rosy cheeks and the bunny wore makeup accompanied with all of them having long eyelashes and the last small change was the red strip on Freddy's hat, they practically looked like giant plastic moving dolls. You felt a slight pinch of sadness, you used to come here when you were younger but the animatronics you came to know and love were replaced with these things.. You sighed and shook your head to clear your thoughts and decided to go ahead and look for the boss's office, you went to an employee who was sweeping and gently tapped his shoulder, he jumped and turned around "ah hello, how can i help you?" he asked "ah yes could you tell me where the bosses office is?" you questioned with a nervous smile "oh yeah sure, follow me!" he placed down his broom and began walking as you followed, finally you arrived at a door with big gold letters spelling 'BOSS' "here ya go, good luck" he spoke and left "thanks.." you muttered. 

You knocked on his door and waited a few moments before hearing "come in" you quickly opened the door and walked in "hello uh sorry i didn't call ahead of time" you spoke, he looked up and sighed "what do you want?" you smiled nervously "i wanted to take the night shift here" he nodded "take a seat" you nodded and sat down "so tell me, why do you want the night shift?" he asked "oh well i really need a job and money and i used to come here when i was younger" he thought for a moment "what's your name?" you sat up straight "(y/n) (l/n)" you spoke calmly "alright your hired, what size do you wear so we can get you a uniform made" he asked "(c/s) thank you sir!" you grinned "your shift starts at 12, try to get here a bit before that and DON'T be late" you flinched slightly at his words "ah right i won't thanks again sir" you spoke turning and leaving his office, you let out a sigh of relief "i think i wanna take a look around before i leave" you spoke to yourself quietly -small time skip- alright only places left to check were the prize counter, the second party room, the parts and service room, and your soon to be office but you weren't sure you were allowed to enter the parts and service room yet, so you started with party room two.

Walking in the first thing you noticed was the broken fox animatronic on the floor trying it's best to move it's jumbled robotic parts the way it was programmed to, you cringed, you didn't have time to fix them but you at least wanted to untangle their limbs, turning on the light and walking over to the fox you bent down to eye level and carefully reached your hands out to them, their eyes immediately snapped to you, first you thought it was just in their programming because animatronics had a habit of looking around at different places around the room but her eyes wouldn't move off yours "uh hey there, i'm just gonna untangle you alright? Seems the kids done some damage on you, wonder why an employee didn't stop them.." you spoke to them but felt like an idiot because you're talking to a robotic fox "sorry.." you quietly finished untangling the fox and noticed their limbs were moving much smoother than before 

(if this is bad it's because i accidentally deleted this part and had to redo it-) "There we go, sorry I can't do much at the moment but I hope this works until then, I guess I'll see you later" mangles eyes finally moved off of you and to the door "hm try to keep the kids off of you alright?, i'll try to fix you when i get the chance" reaching your hand up you carefully pat the fox on the head making sure not to damage it "maybe i'll visit again when i get the time ok?" her head seemed to nod but it was kind of hard to tell with the twitching and the distracting loud static noise she let out, you smiled "alright i'll actually be going now" you walked to the door and flipped the switch back off both so the kids would think this part was off limits and because it was already off when you came in. 

You dusted yourself off "alright prize counter" you spoke and headed to the prize counter. Once inside you scanned over the area and noticed how most of the toys were plushies, some were of the originals too! Then you noticed a giant gift box with a puppet inside, it was handing random presents to kids who handed it tickets, as much as you wanted to you stayed away because they were occupied so instead you decided to buy a few things, those things being a mangle plush, a (f/a) plush, and a (s/f/a) plush. You went to the counter to check out and realized nobody was there "hm?" suddenly the plushies were gently taken from your arms, you looked over and let out a soft yelp of surprise, the puppet took hold of your plushies and looked at the price tag, "9" ah 9 dollars, you reached into your pocket and pulled out your wallet then grabbed three 3 dollar bills and handed it to them, they nodded, bagged up the plushies and handed you the bag "thank you" you spoke out, they nodded and went back to helping the kids, alright now the office.

You arrived at the office and you were glad you came early, it was a mess, there were papers everywhere, empty cups, and crumbled up papers as well, the little tablet was also dusty so you got to work and decided to clean it -time skip- after you finished the only thing left on the desk was the tablet that was now cleaned, a semi dirty freddy mask, a red phone that looked brand new again, and a stack of uncrumbled papers that you weren't sure were important or not, you also wiped down the table with the paper towels and cleaning spray that conveniently sat beside the desk(you put it up so it wouldn't get spilled), you turned around to look at the chair and seen it was fine just had some dirt on it so you dusted the dirt off and it looked good again! A dark red spot behind the chair on the floor caught your attention "did someone spill their juice? I did throw away two empty cups" you sighed as you realized you were talking to yourself 'again' "i should head home, i need to sleep before my shift anyways, and there i go again" you groaned and walked to the exit.

-end of chapter 1(the rewrite)

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