coming out (fluff)

61 1 9

Ranboo and tubbo type stuff (you'll understand when you read it

trans reader

she/her to he/him

sibling au

ranboos in the uk in this (only because i love the bee duo and i miss them)

this is going to short

also im making mr boo nb because i can


y/ns pov

today was the day im coming out to tubbo god why was this so hard hes my brother for god sake it cant to hard (unlike my dic- sorry)

but what if he dosen't except me what if he thinks im wired or something what if- ¨hey y/n¨ ranboo says as he walked into the kitchen to get something ¨hey ranboo" i say back while eating my last bite of my bagel ¨whats up?¨ ranboo asked before sitting in the bar stool in front of me ¨huh?¨ i say in a confused "what are you thinking about?" he asked before taking a bite of his food "i'm struggling to tell tubbo i'm trans" i blurt out instantly covering my mouth "oh thats easy TUBBO!" "YEA!?" "JUST SO YOU KNOW YOU HAVE A BROTHER NOW!" "OK POG" "there you go now he knows " ranboo says "how did you do that ?"i asked while just staring at him in amazement its not the first time ive had to come out for s omeone or to come out in general "oh wait what!? What do you mean come out?" " Oh yea I'm non binary you didn't know" "no what! So your telling me I've been scared to come out because I didn't know if I was going to excepted and I've been living with a non binary for 3 months what the fuck!!" At this point ranboo was in tears from how hard he was laughing I eventually joined in after a bit Toby came in and we all talked about stuff and had a good time .


I hope you enjoyed this chapter I know I injoyed writing it

Also sorry I took so long to get it out writers block sucks

But thank you for reading

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Hope you have a good day/night

Don't forget you matter


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