chapter 3

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the next day, the preparations for the visitation set off early in the morning

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the next day, the preparations for the visitation set off early in the morning. servants worked twice harder to make the whole castle shine as the white pearl necklace doyoung got adorned with that day. as he was standing next to yedam, his posture a little uncomfortable for he had been ordered to stay still and straighten up, the older took several glances at the jewelry hanging down his collarbones.

"you don't seem to be pleased with your garment, do you?" yedam nudged him on the arm, at the same time smoothing the unwanted crease which happened to had been able to escape from meticulous ironing of two servants.

"after nineteen years I should get used to it but..." here he tried to stretch his tight sleeves in vain. the material seemed too rigid. "I guess not yet."

yedam smiled, examining his own set of the day. since it was a one in a million day where someone else addressed as king will enter through the door in front, three princes looked more like princesses. yedam got a chance to have a pearl pin fastened in between his hair strands, doyoung had already mentioned pearl necklace, meanwhile hyunsuk had four of his fingers - two on each palm - enveloped with hand-made, white gold rings. all of them dressed in periwinkle, orchid, and lilac accordingly to their age - the older, the darker shade you are allowed to wear - and being invited to the throne hall, stood like motionless monuments, shimmering and waiting for the audience to admire them. the king was present there the whole time occupying the most important chair in the whole country, whereas his descendants stood some meters before him so that he could keenly watch them. particularly his youngest son, to prevent some mischievousness.

presently yedam heard a faint sigh coming from the left. needless to say that it was hyunsuk, who looked everything but happy. his head hanging low somehow pitifully, his hands even if so nobly decorated were trembling despite the boy's endeavor to control them. as yedam watched him for a while longer, he noticed more concerning symptoms. rapidly taken breaths as if in shortage of oxygen, crossed brows and clenched jaw. hyunsuk has never acted like this before, which made the presented image even more worrisome for the other. the moment he wanted to whisper something towards the older, his attempt was disturbed by a click and then a deep, lingering sound made by the pushed doors.

another two admirable figures appeared on the scene. something in them was intimidating, but tempting at the same time. the thing that stood out the most was a golden tiara, in a circle shape riddled with silver zircons, and the biggest stone of mulberry shade was put in the middle of this luxury, contrasting with the still light shade of red the boy was wearing, emphasizing that he became the ruler of the country a little too soon. his gaze was somehow dominant, staring right into one's mind and soul, his gaze resembling tiger's eyes while capturing its prey. the youngest king in the history of his lineage kanemoto yoshinori was renowned for his unexceptional beauty - distinguished features, tall, toned arms covered behind a silky layer of his clothing.

for a second yedam was under the impression that his hyung on the left stopped breathing, he couldn't see any motion. as before he was trembling like a leaf tormented by wind, now turned into a stone. the prince to whom yedam gave his attention afterward was named haruto. he was born one year after doyoung, and so two royal children used to play a lot as toddlers, kids, and in their early teens. only four years ago they lost in touch due to the boy's older brother's coronation. after all once the oldest becomes the king, siblings can't escape more duties, can't escape taking on more responsibilities.

haruto looked like a living painting. captivating gaze once in a few seconds hidden underneath dark, long eyelashes. pale complexion, infallible skin, chiseled cheekbones were only some of his ethereal traits. the boy had a subtle makeup on his eyelids, sprinkled blush on his cheeks. the full lips were painted in a cherry color, which perfectly suited the color of his jacket. one could assume that they were tinted by floral pigment extracted from a rose or dianthus.

as two of them took a few steps closer, guided by seven guards around, two on each side, three behind, haruto's every move was gracious, the rhythm constant. yoshinori's alike - but the older conducted himself with a sort of confidence, which yedam could only dream of. for some reason, he thought he heard a sudden louder gush of air as if someone let a prolonged breath out of the mouth. he wanted to look for the source of this sound but as the king and his brother stood right in front of them, it would be utterly disrespectful if he turned his gaze away.

on the cue the three siblings bowed slightly forward, making sure only heads are moving. the body ought to stay in the same position, for bowing deeper was given to the people placed a lot lower on the social ladder. haruto reciprocated the motion, meanwhile, the young monarch remained unfazed, silent, focused. yedam tried to resist the temptation but it was evident that the other was persistently staring at one specific thing or person. the boy took a glance at the prince standing next to the king and confirming that the other won't behold his impolite action, his eyes split-secondly followed the respective route, at the final spot meeting with hyunsuk's face.

his mouth parted inadvertently as what he saw baffled him. a droplet, a glistening tear could be noticed on his eldest brother's cheek. yedam was a witness of its tragic end, as it slowly went down, sketching a wet, almost straight line, to end its existence disappearing somewhere on the ground, being dissolved by a cashmere carpet they stood on.

the crown prince shed a tear upon seeing another man entering this space, getting closer and finally appearing a few steps in front. they had their eyes locked, never looking away as if afraid that once one decides to do so they will lose each other again. king yoshinori, with his sharp gaze which gradually softened the longer he maintained eye contact, and hyunsuk the crown prince whose eyes couldn't contain the abundance of love and longing.

this time it was yedam who turned into a stone, petrified on the thought that emerged in his head.

"could it be... they were more than friends?"

// ✧ //

the color of the three princes' kingdom is purple, meanwhile, the color of yoshinori's kingdom is red i tried to describe it well but in case it wasn't that evident, i leave this explanation < 3

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