Ch27: Legends

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???: Ah finally that bitch is gone!

Its voice was deep, and spoke like it had a sore throat

I quickly grabbed my blade and tried to slash it for its words but my blade went right through it

???: That won't work, you stupid child!

Me: Don't you ever insult her like that!

???: I think the normal thing to do is ask what am I, isn't it?

Me: I don't give a shit about what you are!

???: I guess you really are special after all.....

Me: Special my ass....I let go of the sword and my head went limb and my chin reached my chest

???: Why did you drop your guard? What if I kill you right now?

I coughed a bit trying my best to speak

Me: I don't give a would do me a bleeding will end me pretty soon

???: You don't actually think you will die that easily right?

Me: I will die eventually....

It chuckled a bit

???: You won't, It's the last curse he placed upon you...hihihi.....

Me: Yeah, yeah....very....funny....

???: Perhaps you don't know....want to explain?

Me: I told you....I don't care...

???: Listen here you brat! If you are going to bitch out because of some small bleeding than I will kill you right now

He reached out to me and threatened me with its huge and sharp beast-like claws

I looked it straight in the eye

Me: Whatever....

It angered and tried to grab my neck but its hand went right through me

???: Ts......perhaps this is not the place....

Me: Why are you taking so long? At least say what you have to say and disappear, after all, you are just my imagination

???: I can assure you I am no imagination, I am as real as I could be

Me: Yeah, yeah...just....say what you have to say....

???: Do you know how the titans invaded this world in the first place?

Me: No....idea......

???: A certain parasite....was placed by the devil its self on this world....his need for blood and carnage led to this, and so a poor little girl has been infected by it, therefore the founders appearance

Me: Founder?

It chuckled again

???: The founder is the beggining of all titans, in short, and its powers were god-like, its sheer zise was able to conquer the lands....but there was a certain group of people, a clan if you want....that, where so powerful, even the founder couldn't destroy them

Me: Very....interesting.....are you done?

???: But they were peaceful people, they wished no harm upon anyone, but they have intervened in the devils plan, so he decided to massacre them all, in one night, the whole clan was left in a lake of blood, no survivors, no trace of they're existence

Me: Yeah...sure....

???: And after millenia, the devil eventually got bored of the underworld and decided to reincarnate itself in the world of the humans , yet as luck has it he reincarnated in the clan he despised the most

Me: Ye.....karma's a bitch......

???: So he made a family, he found a woman, the most beautiful, intelligent out of them all, he hated these things, but he knew that eventually he will kill her, but as time passed, not a lot, they had a child, a baby boy....

Me: Wha....bout him?.....

???: Well that shitty little kid, killed his father....

Me: Oh the....memories.....

???: And now that kid is standing right here talking to me....

I was a but surprised and placed my eyes on it

Me: are telling me...*cough*...that I'm the son.....of the Devil?...*cough*

It smiled at me with amuzament and joy, then started laughing

Me: What' creature?.....


Me: But that's what you are, a creature of my imagination....

???: I told you I am no imagination...nor a creature!

Me: Yeah...yeah....good bed-time story...

???: But the Devil wouldn't go out just like that....he placed a few curses on that boy......firstly....he won't matter what he does...fate will never let you die....and secondly...that strenght of hiss....tell do you feel with all of it?

Me: Cursed.....

???: Indeed.....tell me, doesn't it hurt....not to be able to fully embrace her?

I quickly raised my head like nothing happened to me and glared at it

Me: How....did you know?.....

???: It hurts....doesn't it?....because if you were wold just crush her....and kill her.....

Me: Bastard.....

It started laughing a bit but then faded into thin air

I laid down my head and thought I gave out my last breath......

To be continued......

The Demon and The AngelDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora