Ch30: Bad ideas

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Mikasa: I'm sorry I did all of this....I feel ashamed.....

Me: It doesn't matter, I'm happy you are still here with me

She looked at me with pain and moments later tears started dripping from her beautiful and clear grey eyes

Mikasa: It does.....(Y/N)...It does...after everything I have done to you....I only caused you harm....I never offered you anything good.....maybe I should have just died in the first pla-

I instantly cut her off with a hug

Me: are too harsh on yourself....If fate had us going through this than so be the end what matters is that we are together, and always be, right?

Mikasa: Yes...we will be together forever...

She closed her eyes and laid her head on my lap, I began to caress her beautiful smooth hair while watching the sunset in the distance

Me: Mikasa

Mikasa: Yes?

Me: What was Erwin's plan? Why did he hide you from me?

Mikasa: Ever since he had his first interaction with you, you got him very intrigued, he wanted to see you at top shape, he wanted to see what you are capable off, so when I was transported to a medical unit, he came up with the plan, actually, Levi and Erwin, both, to fake my death, and get the best out of you, and I was in no position to reject or accept

Me: So that's how it is...

Mikasa: Yeah....

Me: I will need to have a little chat with them

Mikasa: Could I come with you?

Me: Sure, from now on I won't let you go anywhere alone as much

Mikasa: I would love the company, she giggled

Me: How are your wounds? What did the doctors say?

Mikasa: The wounds weren't all that bad, just a few scratches and bruises, that's all

Me: I'm glad to hear this, one more question

Mikasa: What is it?

Me: When the doctors took care of you...

Mikasa: Yeah?

Me: They patched your wounds....

Mikasa: Well that's how it works.......

Me: Did they touch you in any weird way?

Mikasa: Nooo, god, no they didn't, why are you so stressed?

Me: Because you are a beautiful young girl, and nobody knows what kind of perverts are in this world....

Mikasa: Thanks for the compliment but besides, I can take care of myself!

Me: Barley....

Mikasa: What do you mean by that?

Me: Well....

I poked her right on the side of her belly and she instantly caught my hand

Mikasa: Don't!

Me: So you are indeed ticklish!

Mikasa: No, I'm not!

I pulled my hand out of her grasp and began to tickle her all over her body, she started laughing and squirming around trying to stop me

Mikasa: (Y/N)! Stop! I'm going to fall of the wall!

Me: You said you can take care of yourself! Come on do it!

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