Our Little Sun

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It took hours of waiting in the room and finally the doctor came in soon telling us that Alex was awake in the nursery after surgery. I got into the wheelchair that Gene got me because I was in so much pain from delivering a baby. Soon we go into the nursery and I see Alex whining for food while the nurse was trying to get him to take the formula which she made me pump from my breast which the milk led to Alex through a tube.

After a minute, Alex latches onto the tube and makes a face when he starts to suck on the tube. I laugh and see him smile happily "awww you are so cute"

We both watch him eat and when he was done, Gene was showered how to burp him without pulling the cords that were attached to him. I watch him with Alex and enjoy the sweet moment "you are such a daddy's boy"

Gene smiles and wipes Alex's mouth "He enjoyed his first meal. I do gotta take pictures for the others and send them then have the family updated on Alex so they can go home to rest" soon he takes pictures of Alex while watching him suck on his pacifier "he's so perfect" he sends pictures to everyone on the KISS side and then the Guns N' Roses side of the family.

I watch Alex look at them and rubs his head to help him sleep which luckily Alex enjoyed it soon sleeping happily

He leaves the room to update the family and sees them all in the waiting room "hey guys" he smiles happily

He leaves the room to update the family and sees them all in the waiting room "hey guys" he smiles happily

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Paul goes to Gene "congratulations my brother.... How is he?" He smiles softly

He looks at him and shed tears "beyond beautiful.... He made me and Steven worried when he had surgery due to tongue tie but he's doing better. I love him and Steven so much"

Paul smiles "wish we all could meet him now but he's recovering and babies take a while to heal" he looks at Eric soon smiling "hoping I get my own kids someday"

He smiles at him "I'm sure you will because Eric loves you a lot" he sees Peter and Ace talking again "wow they are talking again too"

Paul nods "yes and I know Peter missed Ace. I hope they can make up and be happy again" he hums "well you should get going back to Steven and Alex"

He nods "you guys are more than welcomed to go home because it's gonna be a few days before we get out of the hospital with Alex" he hugs everyone and heads back soon watching Steven talk to their son

I talk to Alex and rubs his cheek "you will be able to come home soon with mama and daddy. We love you so much and you will also see your aunts and uncles too. They have been waiting to meet you but you came into the world a little shaky. You are so precious and sweet"

He comes over and sits next to Steven "he sure is and he sure loves listening to you talk. I'm so lucky I have you and him"

After a few days of Alex being in the nursery, we were told that we could take him home since he improved a lot. We got home and relaxed in the living room with Alex in my arms which I was feeding him during the time

Gene looks at Alex and joked "save some milk for daddy my little piggie.... You have to share mama's boobs with me"

I laugh gently and look at Gene "he's your son" I hear the phone ring and watch my husband get it "who is it?"

He smiles happily when it's Paul "yes we are home and you guys are welcomed to visit so you can meet Alex for the first time"

Paul answers "want me to have the others join at the house?" He looks at Eric which he knew Eric was upset with him

He nods "yes go ahead and tell them that if anyone is sick, they need to stay home" he smiles happily "talk soon. Bye" he hangs up "sorry babe it was just Paul. The others are coming over in three hours"

I burp Alex and smile happily "good. You sure Alex is ready to be handled by others?"

He nods "yes and I told them to stay home if they are sick and they will clean their hands before they hold him"

I finish with Alex and lay him down in his swing soon having it swing gently to help him sleep

I finish with Alex and lay him down in his swing soon having it swing gently to help him sleep

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(Eric Carr and Paul POV):

Paul walks over and sits next to Eric "babe I'm sorry I argued with you" he frowns

I look at him with tears in my eyes "the thing is that we have been together for six years and we still haven't went further than boyfriends"

He frowns and sighs "okay then.... Do you want to get married?"

I look at him "yes but I want the proposal to be right.... Like I want you to surprise me" I smile

(End of chapter and more to come!)

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