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Finally Jeez the party was a day away i've been waiting all damn week this week felt like it was three years seriously not to mention halloween is close i love halloween but after everything that's happened this week it's the thing i need the least right now i'm just glad the party might take my mind off everythi-

*Ding Dong* 

I walked to the door "Hello who is it?" I looked through the peephole, It was Tatum,Stu Dewey Billy and Randy, Jeez give me a reminder next time my house looks like shit right now i opened the door "Hey guys"

"Hey Y/n!" Tatum said walking in

"HEyyyyyy Y/n" Stu said grinning ear to ear while walking in

"Y/n" Dewey said tipping his hat down "Dwight" He whipped his head back while you held a cheeky grin, He scoffed and walked away in the dump that was your house

"Hi baby" Billy said kissing your cheek

Tatum looked at you wide eyed she walked to you and whispered "Wait! Are you guys a thing now?" "I don't know honestly" "How do you not know?!" 

"Am i interrupting something?" Randy said

"Yes you are Randy" Tatum said squinting her eyes and scoffing 

"No your fine Randy" You said smiling he smiled back

When you all got inside you guys just fucked around till like 11' Tatum said that we should play spin the bottle honestly fuck it

"Sure" i said 'what could possibly go wrong' i thought to myself

 Randy Decided not to play cause he didn't want to get on Billy or Stu's bad side, and with that we started 

First Round

I landed on Tatum we did quick kiss on the lips nothing much Tatum got Billy and they argued about doing it so we just skipped, Stu got me he looked at Tatum for approval and she nodded and Stu gave me a quick kiss on the forehead, Surprisingly Billy didn't seem to mind anyway Billy got Stu and he did a quick kiss on the cheek 

Throughout the rounds we all got similar things

Forth Round

I got Billy, i looked at him and started shuffling towards him and we had our kiss it was a light passionate kiss it was nice, Stu got tatum they kissed yada yada yada

[Don't wanna bore ya guys with this so i'll skip]

After we had stopped playing i had decided we should play 7 Minutes in Heaven and we all decided to play first round i got randy when we got in the closet we just talked about some new movies that are coming out soon and how excited we were for them

"Hey Lovebirds times up!" Stu said knocking on the door

Me and Randy walked out of the closet and i immediately noticed how Billy was glaring at Randy "What you guys do?" Billy hissed while gritting his teeth at Randy he was probably throwing a tantrum the entire time "We just talked about movies" i answered plainly  "Alright" He answered not knowing if it's true but trusts you Billy loves you and if you cheated on him he wouldn't be mad at you he would blame the person and he'll just think they seduced you or something you didn't bother thinking about cheating on Billy you were even close to understanding what he could do to you or anyone for this matter

Sadly they wanted to leave since it was getting late and they didn't want to be out past 7 since it's our curfew Shortly after they left i had gotten a phone call "Hello?" i said holding this phone "Hey y/n it's Dewey is Tatum still there "No actually they left like a little ago so she should be home soon" i said furrowing my brows 'i hope she's okay' "Oh alright thanks" he said i hung up and went to go lie down on the couch

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