a way out

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After I finally found out it's because of my race I spent hours trying to remember everything about it(In effect remembering that I can use save points and I am not affected mentally by resets...but more importantly I have inks eyes!)

Another thing that I tried was putting red paint in a gaster blasters energy ball in its mouth

When I did that I was like "wowie I wonder what will happen if I fire this big guy"
And because the gaster blaster thought I was telling it to fire... it did, and in result it opened a hole in space that lead to a undertale au. "Dont know what au this is but anything is better than here. BECAUSE IM BORED OF ONLY READING MHA although I really love it" and then I proceeded to politely yeet myself inside the hole

"Hmmmmmm I wonder what undertale au I'm in?"I say

"And since I've been holding it back for so long"i paused for a moment and looked around

Not seeing anyone I proceed to tell at the top of my lungs "I'M IN UNDERVERSE? HELL YEAH"

in the distance 2 weird skeletons looked confused what a 'underverse' is

As the skeletons I didnt see ponder what the underverse is I wonder around seeing everything about the area I'm in

I could see a pretty big tree and a few smaller trees I could also see the big tree had some weird fruit that resembles apples but apples are red...


in the distance the 2 unidentified skeletons look even more confused... they thought things lile 'is he lost?' And ' why is he looking at our tree?'

And that's the end of the chapter how was it?

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