
"You know people talk" a voice said behind me as I stood at my locker
I would know that voice anywhere, it's the voice that was always around me for years but I hadn't heard it in some time now

"What do you want Alex" I asked turning to look at him
"You're dating him aren't you" he said and I rolled my eyes
"Why would you care?" I asked before noticing most of A-Troupe making their way over, James included

"When are you going to stop being so naive Riley" He said raising his voice, I shot James a look meaning not to come over yet, one he received well since he got A-Troupe to stop in their tracks
"When are you going to realise that I can make my own choices Alex" I said looking at him
"you're making the wrong one Riley! You'll end up hurt once a fucking gain" He said making me roll my eyes
"You don't have any say in that" I said making him look at me confused

"You weren't there the first time around and hell you won't be there this time if it happens again" I explained
"but regardless on what happens Alex. It's my choice and only mine" I said making him shake his head looking down

"Don't come crying to me when he breaks your heart again" Alex said about to walk away
"I've never come crying to you" I said making him look over his shoulder before scoffing turning back to look at me
"Look at you Riley. You are a completely different person! I don't even fucking recognise you now" He yelled, this time it didn't take a second for James and A-Troupe to be stood directly behind me 
That was a given the moment he started yelling

"They turned you into some fucking robot. This isn't the Riley I grew up with" He growled, I shook my head taking a step towards him
"You've got that right" I said looking at him
"I'm not the same Riley you grew up with, that Riley was so caught up in hiding in her big sisters shadow, she was constantly overthinking, worrying" I explained 

"This Riley, she couldn't give a shit about what Emily has to say, I'm sick of worrying and overthinking. This Riley isn't about to settle for people who aren't willing to watch her grow" I said making Alex narrow his eyes
"So this is it Alex, this is your stop. You don't mean shit anymore" I said 

I won't even lie, it felt good to let that out. It was evident it was a long time coming
Looking over my shoulder one last time I saw Alex shaking his head while he disappeared further into the crowd of people 

"Girl that was hot!" Michelle laughed making me chuckle
"Morning" I said smiling at James who smiled back before leaning down to kiss me
"Hang on when did this happen!" Giselle gushed
"Oh my god!" Thalia yelled while James continued to kiss me making me laugh before pulling away 

"You're trouble" I laughed making him nod before turning back to Everyone, every single one of the girls had a shocked look on her face while the boys had a proud smirk on theirs 


  I was in the music room in the attempt to work on my Solo, Miss Kate was working with the rest of A-Troupe while Eldon and I used our time wisely
"You know, if you kicked a little higher you would be able to get some good extension on that" A voice said as I kicked
I turned to see Oscar stood there leaning against the door frame

"What are you doing here?" I asked and he chuckled
"Well I wanted to apologise for the other week. I didn't know there was something between you and James? is that his name?" He asked and I nodded 
"It's alright" I said 

I mean, I get people can make mistakes but I don't know, I think I'm still a little hesitant to trust him you know?

"I figured I'd come see how your solos coming along, I would have checked on the male soloist but lets be honest. This competition is to cut throat I would be accused of trying to steal his routine" Oscar said making me chuckle
"You wouldn't do that though, right?" I asked and he shook his head

"sure I want my team to win but if it means playing unfair, is it really a win?" He asked making me smile
"That's a good out look to have" I said making him chuckle

"Hey babe" James said making his way into the room, he took one look at Oscar before furrowing his brow at me
"Everything okay in here?" He asked and Oscar and I nodded

"yeah it is" I smiled before James smiled beck pecking my lips as Oscar turned away 

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