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Kasandra recounts

The night surrendered New York, the light of the buildings lit the entire city together with the cars, the city was a jewel, the sky was clouding and in the air sounds noise from the bottom. I am on the roof of a building watching the city from above and a cold wind caressed my cheeks and lifted my hair from my face. The snow had melted from the streets and buildings and the air was not so cold. I was all dressed in black and the long coat hugged my body nicely and the hood was now on my head.

Before we left for the mission, Uncle Derek had advised me, my mother, Aunt Emma, and Abigail to borrow Grandma Henrietta's clothes and weapons. Normally my aunts weren't fans of sophisticated clothes, but when they saw his weapons, they fell in love with them. I had lent her this coat and a sapphire sword, my mother had lent me two daggers, Aunt Abigail a bow and arrow, and Aunt Emma two knives.

'' I feel like a superhero.'' I hear Zoey from my back.

Now she was sitting next to me.

'' Maybe we are.''

When said we I refer also to Eric and Aiden who were with us to check if we have all we need for a fight.

After me and my family decided to work together, we had our first mission. Aunt Emma discovers a weird activity in the city. It seems that a mysterious gang or animals walk at night causing chaos. The police from New York and people believe that was about thieves or lost animals, but after aunt Emma's description seems to be kanima. From my research on these creatures, I discovered that their greatest weakness was fire and everything connected with it.

''Are you saying that these huge snakes are scared of Wilamena?'' Aunt Abigail asked me.


Uncle Derek said that this was a trap from Hades to attract us and attack. Was dangerous, but was a risk we are willing to take. No one treats my city where I live, so my friends and family are here to protect what is ours and hopefully find something to help us with Hades.

All the family was separated in groups and went to different places in New York, Mom and uncle Derek were in Manhattan, uncle Jake, Beetles and Anton in the magical quarter, uncle Michael, aunt Abigail and aunt Wilamena in Brooklyn and Dad and aunt Emma together with Stormfire in Upper east Side. ( I hope that they don't kill each other and Stormfire will be fine).

When Dad hears that will be with aunt Emma he is opposed.

'' Why you send me with her?'' Ask him uncle Derek.

'' You two are experts in kill.''

Aunt Emma enjoys the situation.

'' I and my brother-in-law will understand so well.''

Why does this affirmation don't calm me? All I can say is that Dad is lucky because Mom talked with my aunt.

'' We need to disguise ourselves.'' Eric said.

I am turn to him.

'' Why? Is it Halloween? '' Aiden asked.

'' Because kanima don't recognize us. Maybe Hades know about us if you disguise they will confused and we need to profit about this fact.''

'' And you want to buy a charmix, we not have time to do that and are very expensive.''

I try to ignore Zoey's affirmation about her economics and how sellers don't make a discount, Eric assures her that is a simple solution so we went down to the building and found a hideout between two abandoned blocks. There was a dirty window but I could see a little bit of my face. Eric put his fingers in his hair if he was to put a new layer of gel to fix his hair, but when his fingers touch his hair, the black hairs turn blonde and in two second he is blonde. The contrast between the brilliant gray eyes and shining blonde hair was charming.

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