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For me...and others like me.
Writers, Readers, Dreamers.

Kate recounts

"Kasandra , please wake up, or you'll be late, again!" I said pulling the curtain, the sun coming into her eyes, and in response she pulled the pillow over her head, saying:
"But, Mom...I still have time... "
I sit next to her in bed and start stroking her hair, she open her eyes and I see two green eyes that are as beautiful as they are sleepy.
" Wrong answer ... it's already late and you're in an absolutely obscene delay, so please, hurry up. " Then I get out of bed and I'm heading for the door.
" Mom, why exist school? "
Kasandra got out of bed and saw her blond hair stand in five thousand directions.
" Oh, baby..." and in response I close the door. I went down to the kitchen where my mother was preparing breakfast, and my father was reading G.G. Greenleaf 's new volume, one thing was for sure if you wanted to know anything about dwarfs, even absolutely anything my father and my brother, Michael could answer all the questions from dwarf cities to lore traditions they were the right people, Emma really had once said that they could be considered true dwarfs and that they could already move with them. My mother turned to me and asked not at all surprisingly.
"Couldn't she wake up?"
I take my coffee from the table and lean on the kitchen counter.
"Like every morning."
Then I see my little one rubbing her eyes in the kitchen:
" Morning! " She says reluctantly.
Dad takes his eyes off the book and says:
" Morning, sunshine. How did you sleep? "
Kasandra hugs him before sitting down on the chair.
"So good I didn't want to wake up, Grandpa," she says, smiling.
My mother put the plate in front of her, which was full of scrambled eggs and bacon.
" Your favorite food. "
" Thank you, Grandma. "
My mother had kissed her on the cheek.
"Come on, hurry up, you're late." My mother tells her.
"Already, it's late." I said, looking at the clock on the wall.
Kasandra turns to face me and I see her eyes widen and look at me with pity, again she makes her typical puppy look.
" Mom may not go to school today? "
She really doesn't know how to escape. And no matter how sweet she is when she says that, I can't be fooled.
" Because... "
" I feel sick. "
I put my hand on her forehead, but she has no temperature.
" convenient you feel on even Friday when you have your first class on the subject you hate the most in this world. "
He just shrugs.
"I know I'm lucky."
We had all laughed at her remark.
" Honey, I don't think luck is with you, plus you can't lie to me. You have no temperature. "
Her face turns gloomy.
"At least I tried. "
"Now eating" My mother encouraged.
After minutes that seemed like hours, Kasandra was ready for school, and when she came out of her room, which she was in a hurry to leave, she had left a real mess, my daughter is just like a hurricane.
"Have a nice day! " I tell her as she walks to the door.
"Thanks mom. I will need. "
Dad take her hand and tells her that he will take her to school today. They both went out the door and I hear my mother's voice behind me.
"What do you think she can't wake up lately?"
"I don't know, but I'll find out."

Kasandra recounts

Grandpa's car goes smoothly on the streets, for such a late hour the traffic is quite free, maybe I have a chance to arrive on time, in general I am a good student and I got it, especially when you are enrolled in one of the most prestigious schools from New York. I rest my head on the back of the chair and close my eyes. I see everything so clearly again ... my dream, it's just as vivid in my mind even after so long.
" Grandpa, why exist school? "
Grandpa still looking at the road when he answers me.
"So that young people like you are given the chance to create a future."
Grandpa is the best when it comes to answering questions that seem impossible to answer.
"Hmmm...I think you're right. "
After a few minutes, Grandpa parks in front of the school. The building was large enough to refuge half of the city, the color brown was all around it, the wooden doors were red, and the windows were large and square. I kiss him on the cheek in thanks and get out of the car.
"Thank you, Grandpa! "
"With pleasure and don't forget that tonight is family night. "
Family night...I was expecting it to be the cool night, especially after this day. With mind eyes I already see the table in the kitchen full of treat and hear the laughter of my family, we will have so much fun.
"Never. Bye! "
"Bye! "
I pass by the school gate which has on a printed pillar a golden dragon with green background which flying in the air, the emblem of the school, I reach the halls that were empty and bright from the morning sun or rather running on the halls because I was already in a grave delay when I slam into a person.
"Sorry! "
"Where have you been? I've been waiting for you for more than fifteen minutes. "
My best friend, Zoey Smith, was looking at me with her questioning blue eyes. I had called her last night, telling her to wait for me, and hoping I wouldn't be late this time either.
"Hi, Zoey. And sorry for the delay, I just couldn't wake up. "
She just rolls his eyes.
"Same excuse as every morning. Come on, we are late."
I follow her closely in front of me, I feel like I ran for a marathon at how long the halls of the building are and wondering a hundred times why I couldn't use magic to get to school faster, and then in my head resound the words of my mother who always says that magic should be used for useful things not to encourage the lazy like me to be even more lazy.
"How many problems do you think we're going to have?"
"Enough."She replies.
After we are walking for a few more minutes we arrive in front of the door and I can already see the teacher's face and I ask her.
"And now? "
"I'll sacrifice myself this time." She says, and puts his hand on the doorknob, and hell breaks loose in front of us. The teacher is already here and she writes I don't know what on the board, and the rest of the classmates are asleep with their heads on the school desk, and when we enter they seem to have woken up a little.
"Good morning teacher! "
She looks at us as if she wants to kill us.
"What's wrong with you at this hour? This is the time of school? "
"Excuse us. "
"I don't apologize. Now go to the desk! "
We sit on our desk, and the teacher resumes her speech.
"As I said, mon enfants before I was interrupted in such a rude manner by your colleagues.."
In response to her statement, I rolled my eyes and ignored her and I did my job. After French class, the rest of the day had passed more easily.

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