Part 20

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After thant gun shoot everyone stood shocked at their place they saw Jennie falling into the ground but she wasn't the only one who got shots Elena she got shot too Andrew shot her

Elena: w why?

Andrew: just fuck off

Jimin drop on his knees next to Jennie and tapped her face

Jimin: Jennie pls wake up yah don't leave me like this

Jennie start coughing

Jennie: dude did you really *cough* think a bullet *cough* can kill me ugh still it's paining

Tae: yah don't talk it will just worsen your pain

Andrew pushed Jimin and grabbed Jennie's hand

Andrew: are you ok? is it paining?

Jennie: *coughing* I have been through worse.

Elena kept looking at them feeling betrayed after all she did for him he still chose her but she knew that no matter what she does he will always chose her.

Andrew picked Jennie up and took her to his car all the employee kept looking at us in shock but Andrew didn't even care he just just pushed his way out to his car the others followed them from behind


We reached the hospital

Andrew: нам нужен гребаный доктор (we need a fucking doctor)

Nurse: успокойтесь, сэр, пожалуйста, это больница ( calm down sir it's a hospital)

Andrew: заткнись и иди к врачу ( shut the fuck up and go call a doctor)

Jennie: yah don't *coughing* yell it's a hospital 

Doctor: что с ней случилось ( what happened to her)

Andrew: ее застрелили (she have been shot)

Doctor: хорошо, отведи ее в операционную (take her to the operating room)

It's been two hours and Jennie is still in the operation everyone is worried oh and Elena some of the employee brought her the bullet wasn't deep so it didn't kill her after sometimes the doctor finally came out

Andrew: how is she? Is she fine? Why aren't fucking answering

Doctor: she is fine like better that she should be in can understand how is she still alive it's literally impossible especially because bullet hit near her heart and she is still alive during my 20 years of being a doctor it's my first time seeing someone survive from this

Andrew: did she woke up

Doctor: yeah and that was impossible for any human to do so they usually take 48h at least to wake up but she woke up just after we finished the operation

Andrew: can I see her

Doctor: yes go ahead

They all barged to the room

Jimin: Jennie how do you feel? Is it still paining

Jungkook: girl are you immortal or what how can you survive that even the doctor was shocked

Tae: I know right his face was hilarious

Jennie: I am fine it's not even that bad I told you I have been through worse

Andrew: I am sorry it's my fault

Jennie: nah it's not it's mine actually

Andrew: what do you mean?

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