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Lukes POV

"where am i?" i curiously stated. the lights were blinding me as i slowly sat up. "Can we turn the lights down? My eyes hurt." i commanded. i felt weak and unstable. The lights dimmed and i could slowly see again, i saw a tall brunette figure and a slightly taller, more muscular man stood next to her. He had black hair that was styled neatly. I observed the womans face and noticed black smudges below her eyes that were puffy and bloodshot. Why was she so upset? "Excuse me, i hate to ask, but why are you so upset?"

"Luke, youre in a hospital, you and a few friends had gone to a party and you were all drunk so none of you could drive home. You called a cab. and on the way home a van crashed into you and you went straight into a tree. Everyone was ok except for you. You stopped breathing but the doctors luckily brought you back but you are suffering from major brain damage. You lost your memory and are unlikely to ever get it back." She started shaking and started to cry as the muscular man started to comfort her. "And im your mom, and this is your dad." She had told me all of that so quickly i could barely process it. But i had to if i wanted to live a normal life. She continued babbling on about what had gone on to get me here. aparently i had been in a coma for 2 weeks. Why am i still tired?

"Ok, Can you tell me some things about myself? i would appreciate knowing who i am." i asked. She looked at my dad and he looked back at her and nodded. What was they thinking. Were they going to tell the truth, lie? And i wouldnt even know.

"I dont think thats a good idea. Its going to be hard to remember everything, as youve had a difficult life. We've decided that we send you somewhere, where no one knows you. Well, we live in Australia at the moment, and me and your dad have decided to send you to London to live with your uncle... They have a son about your age, he's just abit older. Two years i think but im not sure, youll be leaving in one week."

i was shocked by her response. but i suppose it cant be that bad, since i had forgotten everything about where im living at the moment, i might aswell start fresh and build up my life around new people who know me for the new me instead of the person that i was before i lost my memory."could i possibly know my general information? Like my full name, age... that sort of thing?"

"Your full name is 'Luke Robbert Hemmings' and you are 17, you have one year left at school that you will be compleating in England, your uncle is called Ben, you can just call him Ben, no need to say 'uncle Ben' as youre not a child anymore. Youre free to live your life the way you please."

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