The Everlasting Cycle

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The rain cascades downward

abusing the trees' limbs

drenching into the ground

and causing insectual destruction

The ants weep and scatter

the muddy ground sinks in under their feet

crickets sing laments

Worms erupt from the ground

causing mini craters

The humans continue their day

Driving and dancing

lacerating flowers from the earth

causing colossal sinkholes

They don't hear the bugs wail

as they are suffocated

sludge obstructing their tiny airways

Even if they could

would the humans even pay attention

all they were to them was pests

Vermin who deserved whatever they got

yes the suffering of the insects to the biped creatures

was a magnificent vista

They didn't care if ants met their death

or that crickets' songs were cut short

or even that tiny families were destroyed

And the rain kept pouring

soaking the ground even more

drowning any of the little creatures that didn't suffocate

It doesn't let up on its massacre

Mother nature doesn't care about any animals

no its only care is the plants

So what if a couple of insects die

less of them to chew on the plants

Even if mother nature had any pity

The pests cries are drowned out by the rain

Eventually the rain will stop

The survivors will try hard to rebuild their small towns

They will come together

And once they have finally finished rebuilding

The insects rest

The rain cascades down
abusing the trees' limbs
drenching into the ground
as the cycle starts anew

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