A Love Song Sung From A Trash Heap

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Love you,

adore you,

yes I really do.

Why don't you see that?

What must I say,

to get you to realize

that I feel this way?

It hurts....I'm crumbling,

why can't you see

that the things you do,

are slowly killing me.

You flirt with me one day,

make me feel loved.

Then the next day you hate me,

leaving me to think

what the hell have I done?

Notice me, just once

that's all I need.

And when you tell me you love me,

just this once, please don't lie.

Keep the love going, don't go back to her.

Please don't leave me, just be mine.

Loving you is death,

this I know,

will you continue to torture me,

with your false I love you and bitter touches.

Soon you will ignore me,

but I'll crave your attention.

I'll do anything to make you notice me,

maybe eve make you angry.

It doesn't matter as long as you think about me.

So hate me, despise me, but never forget about me.

Just continue to give me your false love,

even if it brings my death,

continue to torture me,

until I take my last breath.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2015 ⏰

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