damn shes mad

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                               𝐒𝐘𝐋𝐀 𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐒

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"Mommy, Mommy, Mommy" Lauren sung repeatedly as I carried a couple grocery bags in my hand. As I lifted my arm I motioned to Lauren for the house keys.

As I waited a few seconds I looked over at her as she continued to sing, Looking around the complex. "Lauren baby" I slightlingy said as she turned my way handing me the keys, giggling.

"Thank you..." I sighed out as I opened the door to our new condo. Walking towards the now very spacious living room, I set the bags I held as Lauren looked around.

"Cute right?" I smirked looking down at her as she did the same. "Very bigger" she said waving her arms around, dancing in her place.

When Samari seemingly got arrested we had been living in a big house, Gated community, big landscape type of home. He supported us, me and Lauren. But as a Naive as it might've sounded, I didn't know where this money came from. Soon finding out later he had been in act of fraud, robbery and dealing. Facing up to 10-20 years. When he left, I was stuck with no job and Zero finances left.

I got a job working for a insurance company my best friend Alicia worked for, The government took away our home, and I soon adjusted to taking care of me and mines. Saving up for a luxury 3 bedroom condo.

"Your so silly" I let out in a soft tone.

"Come on, let's go get the rest of the boxes" I motioned her as I walked towards the door.

"Syla! These big ass boxes" My brother Sincere yelled as he held the biggest brown box. "Sincere, you literally grabbed the biggest box" I said with slight frustration, grabbing the box.

"And watch yo' mouth!" I yelled placing the box on the front porch. As we carried boxes in and out of the house, organizing the rooms, and deep cleaning the condo for what felt like 100 hours we were finally done.

"Uh uh, there's one more box. We ain't done yet" Sincere walked through the door as me and Lauren layed down on the couch.

"Sincere, please get the last box"

"Syl-" Sincere started before I aggressively outed my hand. He sat leaning on the open doorway before letting out a tired sigh and walking out the front door. As Lauren played with her tablet, I felt a vibration that came from my phone.

As I reached under me, A Jpay email came through. Putting mine and his information in, I read the email.

I know you haven't been awnsering my calls, I just wanted to let you and Lauren know the love I have for y'all. I didn't mean to get thrown in the hole and I know how much you want me to do better to get out of here and live a healthy and honest life. Trying my best.

As I read the email I couldn't help but feel guilty, Samari has only been in prison for a month and a couple weeks. The anger I felt towards him for doing this to me and his daughter was damn near close to hatred. But The love I had for him was beyond me.

I knew he was struggling when he ended up getting in a physical altercation with another inmate. He was moved to Solitary Confinement. He showed no remorse or guilt until days later. Exactly today.

"Where do you want me to put this?" I heard In a deep unfamiliar voice. As I sat up on the couch I locked eyes with him.

The unknown man stood at about 6'4 feet. His hazel eyes reflecting on the windows, as I observed him, he had to be atleast: 150lbs of straight muscle. His dark skin glowing under the light got me. As his facial expressions changed as he looked around the house, his straight, perfect, pearly white teeth showed.

"Hi, I'm Jaeson." He said as he placed his hand out, gently putting my hands on his, I gave him a light handshake.

"I'm so sorry about that, I told him to get the box-" I proceeded to say as I grabbed the box from his arms. "No, no I offered to help" He said.

"Yeah" Sincere crossed his arms.

"Well..thank you" I simply said placing the box on the hardwood floor. As we all stood around the silence filled the room before sincere grabbed Lauren's hand, taking her up the stairs.

"Welcome to the neighborhood" He smirked.

"Thank you, do you live in this complex or?" I questioned as he looked out the window. As he stepped a bit closer he pointed across the busy street. "Right..there" He paused.

The fresh scent of cologne that came from his long sleeve t-shirt, along with his bright blue jeans. A smell I hadn't smelt from a man in what felt like forever. Except for my 13 year old brother, of course..

"Well it's nice to meet you, I'm Syla by the way"

"Nice to meet you Syla, I'm sure we'll see each other around" His deep, yet soft voice said as he reached his hand my way.

"Bitchhhhhh" I heard a loud voice drag.

As we both turned that same way, I was met with the presence of Alicia. As she chewed her gum obnoxiously loud, She soon locked eyes with Jaemon. "Ouu, don't be getting in trouble Syla." She blurts before slapping her mouth.

As I mentally rolled my eyes, Jaemon's light laugh filled the room before turning to face me. "Trouble?" He questioned.

"No. No. Not trouble, just-" Alicia placed her Red Bull down on the side table, as she attempted to cover up what she just abundantly announced.

"I have a husband."

"Oh, that's it?" He questioned smiling. As Alicia nodded her head and I did the same, He shrugged his shoulders before ending our conversation with a chilled out..


Before giving Alicia a simple head nod, He walked towards the front door. "I'll see you around syla" The way my name slipped off his tounge gave me instant chills. The nonchalant manner he had as he heard news I haven't, or didn't want anybody to know, gave me even more chills.

"Yeah.." I waved my hand as Alicia gave a me a guilt filled look. "Sorry..." she fixed her mouth to say. As I sat on the hardwood floor, ripping the tape off the box.

"Okay" I said as I heard running coming down the stairs. Alicia turned around as she made eye contact with sincere.

As I rolled my eyes already knowing the deal. "What's up?" He smirked standing next to Alicia.

"Sincere, you do this everytime." I sighed picking up Lauren, I walked towards them before hitting him in the back of the head.

"Don't do that!"

"Do what! Man.." He rubbed the back of his head before placing his arm on the door frame, he smirked at Alicia raising his eyebrows up and down. As I walked up the stairs I could hear Alicia's loud laughter coming from downstairs.

"Both y'all get outta my house!" I yelled.

"Syla, you brought me here" Sincere yelled back as I walked up the steps with Lauren.

"Take him home please, bye" I said in response as Alicia grabbed her keys.

"Damn she mad" I heard them both say, followed by a slam to the front door.

- @ohthatsimonee

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