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Eraserhead was not having a great day.

No, scratch that, he hadn't taken a break in years now. A great day would be like winning the lottery at this point.

Underground heroes weren't really 'underground' anymore, they were more like heroes who just weren't interested in the fame aspect of it, which meant that Eraserhead was now required to do day patrol and night patrol if he was still conscious for it.

Today had been more of a mess than usual though. After almost catching that slime thief it had,  quite literally, slipped through his fingers. The worse part was he had caused some very nasty property damage while at it, not to mention that poor girl that had needed to be sent in an ambulance after the slime villain tried to get a hold of their body.

There still had been fluid in her lungs by the time they sent him to the hospital, hopefully, she would recover quickly.

And now, here he was, staring at the kid that had killed the villain. One less problem to worry about, Aizawa thought. The boy also had already gotten rid of the slime in his body, judging by the clear, healthy sound of his lungs exhaling and inhaling.

Eraserhead sighed, his misting breath being visible in the frozen underpass; he imagined this was the kid's quirk at work, same with the fever the boy seemed to be exuding. Leaving a firm hand on the boy's shoulder, Eraserhead shook him slightly.

''Hey kid, can you open your eyes?'' At his words, the boy groaned, his green eyes opening bearly to stare at him in confusion.

Before the kid could say anything, coughs racked his body, more slime fell down his lips. Eraserhead rubbed circles on his back, hopefully helping the boy get rid of any slime that still remained.

''Am-I dreaming? Why is Eraserhead here?'' The boy muttered under his breath, but to Aizawa's trained ears it seemed loud in comparison to the silence around them.

''Kid, are you feeling alright now? Do you want me to escort you home?''Even if Aizawa was much too busy to be escorting a student through the streets, he wouldn't rest easy after making sure the kid was safe at home.

God knows that nowadays children and teenagers are dying more and more since the rise of quirks. His coworkers would understand, even if they may get a bit annoyed at having to cover for him.

''H-huh? I'm alright, Sir. T-there's no need to escort me home! I wouldn't want to bother you like that...'' The boy drifted off, his sparkling green eyes looking at him in admiration.

 ''I wouldn't have offered if it was a problem. Now come on, It's getting late''

''Th-that's right! Oh god, Mom is gonna kill me...'' He lamented, gathering his taser and trying to clean some of the gunk off his bag.

''Eraserhead-um, c-could I get your autograph?'' He asked quickly, rummaging through his bag for a pen, with all the frantic searching he was doing, Aizawa noticed a notebook named 'Hero analysis for the future part.15'. Huh, very determined if he had already filled 14 of those.

He pointed to the notebook. ''Could I see this one? ''

''Ah? Oh-sure, here''

Hm, It was kind of cold, damaged and the words were hard to make out, but the content was actually really detailed for a student, if he didn't know any better he would have said this belonged in the investigation department, it was certainly impressive.

''...With this kind of analysis kid, you could get into a Support Course at Yuue easily'' Aizawa admitted, maybe he could go back to teaching like he used to. Nedzu had told him a couple of times already that he was welcome to teach if he felt burnout for being overworked in his hero agency.

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