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I walked into the hive, "Augh, my first day on the job." I saw a handsome bee flying around, "I NEED MY FUZZ GEL, ADAM!" I happen to carry around a travel sided fuzz gel at all times, "Sir! I have some" he ran over, "Thanks!" He looked me up and down and I noticed a big bulge slowly rise, "Ahem..", he said as he cleared out his throat, "What's your name? I'm Berry bee. You probably know me though." "Aha! Yeah, I do, We're working together on this project, I'm Y/N" "Oh, that's a really pretty name..", he said as he blushed "Thanks Berry but I've always wondered, does it buzz as the rumours say?" I teased, wanting more "Oh, so we're going there, huh?" He grabbed my arm harshly and flew to his private honeycomb, "I'll show you Y/N.. Let's make some nectar and some larva" I let out a moan as he grabs my hips and thrusts me onto the bed. My toes curled in anticipation as he took off his skin-tight jeans and started buzzing like crazy. "Augh... I hope I nestled my nectar far enough up in your pussy", Barry said. Y/N was panting and dripping in sweat replied, "You sure diddly did". Barry smirked and grasped the fuzz gel off of the silky white sheets, now covered in sticky yellow nectar. "Don't be late Y/N, I'll be waiting.." Barry called as he flew away. *MERP BEEP BEEP BEEP* "AUGH!" Y/N jumped up, "My shift, I forgot!" They quickly grabbed their clothes and showered, it felt so good to be clean and have their fuzz be silky instead of sticky. "I have to get to the main hive in 5 minutes!" Y/N flew as swift there little fuzzy bum as fast as it could take 'em, but it wasn't fast enough, *4* "I'm almost there" *3* "Wait wait wait!" *2* "BARRY!" Barry jumped up and his antenna twitched "Y/N..?" "She's gonna be late!" He flew as fast as he could, "Y/N hop on me." "I'm coming" *both blush* "We're here.. just in time thank you, Barry." *Y/N kisses Barry and runs away, leaving Barry curffluffed. After Y/N was done her shift Barry met up with them, "Y/N.. I was hoping you could come to help me clean up my comb" He said while slipping fuzz gel in their pocket. "Sure Barry, let's go.." They finally made it to his comb "Sorry it's still sticky.." *Barry looks Y/N up and then down once more just to get another glimpse at her cake, "I'll go grab the mops", Barry said, holding himself back, but he could feel himself getting harder and harder. "Y/N.." "Yes?" "Can you help me get this one spot?" "Sure Barry," Y/N said smirking. Barry just wanted to see her fat ass one more time, but he got hard after seeing it and blushed 😲 Y/N saw in the reflection of the glass she was cleaning, and turned around and grabbed his big juicy nuts, "I'm ready for round two.. only if you are" Barry blushed and looked at Adam who was cheering him on in the distance, "Nghh.." Barry groaned as Y/N gripped his scrumptious balls tighter and pushed Y/N onto the glass, also grabbing the nob to close the blinds, as he knew what was about to happen and was happy about it. Barry grabbed their hips and slowly started to enter Y/N "Mmph", they let out as their stinger rose (indicates when female bees are horny). They could feel their pussy throbbing, just waiting to be touched by his fuzzy slim Jim, "Let's make some sweet honey and this time, let's make it real sticky 😜" Barry said with a sly look on his face, he brought Y/N into the shower and made the water cold, Y/N bent over as he vibrated, "Ass up baby" said Barry Y/N was knocking things over but they didn't care, all they knew is it felt like heaven.
*After shower sex, final chapter.. for now,* "Sigh.. I really love having Barry as a boyfriend" I love how he can make my pussy throb and how he slicks his hair back with so much gel, I love that his nectar is neon yellow instead of just yellow.. He's so damn dreamy. Y/N looked over and saw Adam, "I never noticed Adam before.." they thought. "He's kinda.. cute? In a weird plastic sword for stinger kinda way.." Y/N dreamed about Adam and all the things he could do with that sword. "N-no!" They huffed, "I can't think about him like that.." "unless I ask Barry for a threesome.. I mean I'm sure he's thought of him like that before. Right..?" Y/N built up the balls and went to ask..

 Part 2 is probably out idk man

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Part 2 is probably out idk man

Barry bee x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now