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Hi there it's me again I won't be uploaded this regularly but I wanted to post this so feel free to read also I swear ima eat your armkles if I see even one comment saying "who asked"

Silence enveloped the antivoid as error lay on his back. To any normal monster it would look like error was dusting, but to the trained eye they would know that he was recovering his strength to continue doing his job.

Error had made it clear to the souls, to fate, to nightmares gang, to ink and to his few other friends that he hated the antivoid. But who would remember or care if they did?

The souls hated it just as much as he did and would constantly gaslight him. Fate wouldn't care and would hurt him if he stayed anyway. Nightmares gang consisted of monsters with both trauma and other mental disorders so many would forget or not understand his pain fully. Ink forgot and would mock him for it if he did remember and the others well they could only listen and console him they didn't have enough emotional importance to him for their opinions to affect him.

But right now, he was putting up with it since the antivoid was the place he healed the fastest due to the fact that it existed outside of time. As he lay there he slowly realised that the balance had just tipped in his favour. He could rest. even if it was only for an hour or so he could rest.

So what now?

Well when he didn't know where to visit he usually went to outertale however any au was probably a bad idea right now since he had just destroyed alot of au's. Where else could he go?

Nightmare's? No he recently took the blame for horror so nightmare was mad right now.

Geno? NOPE Geno just started dating reaper and there was a high chance of a run in.

Underswap? Maybe carrot should be out right now.

Underswap it is. As he opened the portal he saw blue reading a book nightmare lent him called '101 ways to break a monsters bones'.

"That's a good read I'm glad nightmare leant it to you" error chuckled.

"Oh my god error don't scare me like that I thought you were carrot for a second there" blue said laughing while trying to catch his breath slightly

"I'm glad to see you and all but gotta ask why are you here?" He continued

"Oh right that" error paused thinking of the bast way to phrase it "well since I've destroyed enough for now I have about an hour to myself and I thought I'd spend it with you if that's ok" he rambled

Blue looked at him and then smiled happily

"Well you came at the right time I was just about to make some chocolate cake and I think you would really enjoy it" blue kept rambling about the cake untill error asked "what's cake?"

The room went silent for a long loud moment and then blue pulled him downstairs so they could make the cake together.

About 5min into their baking session blue noticed the cuts and dust on errors bones. he saw how error flinched when a draught blew by and how he avoided putting weight on his left arm. The longer he looked the worse it seemed to get to the point that I considered closing his eyes but he couldn't do that he had to help him. So once the cake was done which only took another 10min he ushered error upstairs and made him lie down on his bed.

"Blue I get that I'm injured but I don't need to lie down I've healed enough in the anti void" error tried to explain but blue was having none of it "you are going to lie down and rest because it's what's good for you got it error?"

"Got it"

Suddenly the door barged open and carrrot stood in the doorway "Hey blue just realized I forgot my-" everyone was is shocked silence. "H-hey carrot im-ma just head o-out" error stuttered out trying to get out of blues bed "oh no you don't you are staying right their untill you heal I don't care how long that is I'll let nightmare know so he can keep the balance for you got it?" Blue lectured carrot was still in shocked silence until "what the fucking is that glitch doing in our house?"

Blue had managed to drag carrot downstairs for some cake and a drink so he could explain and he had put an anti magic barrier on his room so error didn't leave.

"So what questions do you have?" Blue asked his brother

Carrot thought for a second then asked "may I ask them all now so I don't forget one?"

Blue nodded so carrot sperted out "why is error here? Why didn't he hurt you? Why is he injured? How long has this been going on for? Does ink know? How are you friends with him? What did you mean you will tell nightmare? Are you a spy? Did I do something wrong for you to end up like this?"

Blue paused for a moment then replied " firstly error is here because he finally caught a break from ink after a huge fight and wanted to ba away from the antivoid, secondly he didn't hurt me because we have been friends since he kidnapped me and error dosent resort to physical violence for information, next he was injured by ink in a fight over a dying au, I all ready answered this one, no in dosen't know he would kill me if he did, error was lonely in the anti void and I noticed he came back injured alot so I started healing him and then we became friends, nightmare is errors friend and universes need destroying, no I don't give them or ink information of anyone, and no it's not your fault you could have done nothing to change this"

Carrot sat back and thought about all the answers he just got "I'm still not sure how you can trust him" he said in a thoughtful tone picking up a price of cake and eating it.

"Well you better start trusting him because he is the one who made the chocolate cake with me" blue chuckled

This made carrot nearly spit out his mouthful but he didn't since poison didn't work on skeletons unless injected into the bones and he could tell what they all tasted like and their were none in this plus he had already eaten two slices.

"Ok I trust you on your judgement but I don't trust him yet" carrot said and that seemed to satisfy blue

As they walked upstairs they heard a crashing sound come from blues room they looked at eachother befor entering. A small China model of blue Ink and dream had fallen off the bookshelf and error was sitting on the floor next to it tears in his eyes.

"I-i *hic* sw-swear I did-didnt m-mean *snif* to i-i-" and with that he was full on sobbing the blue tears that stained his face with string were flowing down his face and got tangled in his hands when he tried to wipe them away.

Carrot stood there compleatly shocked untill  blue rushed to his side and immediately sat down next to error and started telling him how it was a mistake and that he wasn't angry but that was all cut short when carrot moved.

Error flinched as carrot sat next to him but what he said shocked error "why didn't you tell anyone that the string on your cheeks was from you crying?" It may have seemed insensitive but error replied "because I deserve the hate I get I've killed countless people so I deserve only pain not mercy" at that carrot nearly started sobbing but he held a calm but pittifill face "error I'm sorry for the way that I've treated you but you can't give up over a china model, which can be remade you or the china?"

Error was silent for a moment befor replying "the china"

"Exactly you are more valuable that the moddle. I'll just tell in the lights were off and that I bumped into the cubord and he'll remake it, it's no big deal" carrot soothed

Once they left the room after making error lie down in the bed again carrot asked the dreaded question "how little do we know error?"

"I'll give you a rundown of the basics and you can be judge that" blue answered quietly as they walked back into the living room.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2022 ⏰

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