After care<3

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~Karkats POV~
We both helped eachother clean up before we went to take a bath together.

Dave drew hot water in the tub and we fully undressed and got in.

"Are you okay?" I asked making sure I didn't accidentally hurt him or make him uncomfortable.

"Yeah I'm okay, that was fucking awsome. Are you okay?" He answerd a genuine responce.
I giggled a little bit before answering "Yeah i'm okay."

We sat in silence for a little bit while we cleaned eachothers bodies and hair.

Once we were done we got out of the bath and dried ourselves off and put clothes on.

~Daves POV~
We had both cleaned up, Karkat doing th last bit of it while I got us a bath ready.

Once we were both ready we go it in.

He asked me, "Are you okay?"
Never been better dude. He treated me so well during the whole thing. "Yeah I'm okay, that was fucking awesome. Are you okay? I amswerd with my answer along with the same question.

He giggled "Yeah I'm okay."

Once we established that were both doing okay we helped eachother get cleaned up and then deied ourselves up with we got out.

We got dressed and then went to bed and cuddled. The most necessary embrace after sex, our legs intertwining and our arms rapping around eachother while we talked.

Showing that we care about eachother.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2022 ⏰

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