Elf Talk

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The mayor screams, " How outrageous!"

Their house is outlandishly large!

They need a lease to build in elf land,

It's rude to unpermittedly barge!

But the poor man is just given a drink,

As he strokes his mustached cat,

A giant and hyperactive girl,

Drives the rest of them off their hat.

One by one, the elves pull their bulbs,

And light up the beautiful town,

They put on their red caps with pride,

As they think about the work to be done.

But now, they will sigh and rub their eyes,

And spit on the morning ground,

For the morning now begins with an exacerbating boot,

And little letters they're forced to round.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2022 ⏰

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