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—•중유태 | 𝙉𝙖𝙠𝙖𝙢𝙤𝙩𝙤 𝙔𝙪𝙩𝙖.
Number six was Yuta. There was something special about him. A secret. A secret so deadly that there's no telling which of them will end up alive, while the other was six feet under. After all, two can keep a secret if one of them is dead.

ʟᴇᴛ's ʀᴇᴡɪɴᴅ...


This time, Juni was reading the headline on a news station. Not a very big one, but a news station nonetheless.

Jaehyun had been arrested, obviously. He actually turned himself in at the station, which was surprising. Juni would never pull that move. Maybe she was a coward.

No, she wasn't. She was supernatural trying to stay alive, to some extent. Getting these men in her trap was definitely more fun than living nine boring lives.

Speaking of the supernatural, Juni had been out one day in an arcade when she felt it. There was another supernatural being near her— she hadn't exercised her powers enough to tell what kind of supernatural creature was near her, but there was something.

This power was useful, but not in Juni's case. It could be something calm like a siren (she found them calm, as their spells didn't affect her), or something she should be on the lookout for like an incubus.

She turned around and quickly scanned the area. She didn't see anything interesting, but looked back again a mere five minutes later when the sense got stronger.

Now that it was stronger, she was able to pinpoint where it was coming from. A male with deep red hair, who was biting his lip in concentration as he tried his hand at the game two spots over to Juni.

He was... something, at least. Juni wanted to call vampire, but the hair colour didn't mean anything. A vampire wouldn't be so obvious, would it?

Juni knew that if she could feel his presence, the being could also feel hers. And he was choosing to ignore it.

Juni was stumped. All alone in this dumb human world, and you wouldn't go find someone you had the supernatural in common with?

She stopped questioning this, however, when the male seemed to sense that someone was looking at him, because he looked straight at Juni as if something had clicked. It wasn't longer before he was walking over and speaking.


No fangs. Not a vampire. Maybe.

"Hi." Juni knew that her archangel look was completely concealed, minus the wings that would be behind her if the being in front of her's sense was strong enough. She used to be able to see supernaturals as their true form, but hadn't been to the sky in a long time, so she was wasn't exactly able to train it. It wasn't everyday you found a fellow supernatural on Earth.

"I need someone to compete against in basketball, would you mind?"

"Of course not." This conversation wasn't going nowhere, which was a plus. "I'm Ara, by the way. Choi Ara."

"Nakamoto Yuta." Okay, supernatural and a foreigner? Juni had always dreamed of the skies in other countries, Japan being one of the places that she wanted to check out (and terrorize) the most. Interesting. Very interesting.

Juni actually tries at the basketball game, but looses by 2. Still, Yuta's slightly impressed by her skills, and that leads to more things... point is, Juni lies about her hobbies, and Yuta is going to help her "garden" the following afternoon.

Juni wants to know what he is.


Thankfully, Juni doesn't have to wait long to find out what he's hiding. Yuta's secret is that he's a vampire (and can therefore die if he's killed), and he tells Juni this when she opens the door to him.

"You're also supernatural, so I feel like I can trust you. Since people don't exactly like us that much and all." Yuta invites himself in at these words, looking around Juni's house. She was glad that she had tucked away her gun that she somehow still had. "Well, whatever, let's get to gardening, Ara."

Juni's definitely happy that Yuta doesn't ask any questions before they slowly get started. Juni maps out "wanting to plant tomatoes" and "taking out the weeds". The vampire offers to do the weeds, and this makes the archangel even happier. He's practically laying out the trap that Juni's set without her saying a word.

She notes that Yuta's fangs are out now, as he'd finally revealed himself.

The two work with small talk in between, and Yuta even gets out the lawn mower to cut the grass. He does so while Juni plants her tomatoes, and things are almost at their end.

It's a few hours later when they've finally completed the job, and the archangel has both a put-together garden and an easy way to get rid of her new... target. She wiped at the sweat on her forehead with her glove and grabs onto the handle of the shovel as though she's going to put it away.

"Thanks for helping me with the gardening, by the way."

"No problem, Ara. Which, by the way, I'm guessing isn't your real name." Yuta turned around and started walking towards the archangel. "Who and what are you?"

Juni smiled, letting her eyes flare red. The vampire was in perfect swinging distance. "Shi Juni, archangel." Yuta's eyes widened, and Juni knew that he'd heard about her on the news. "And you clearly don't have enough blood."

With that, she swung the shovel straight at Yuta's head, knowing that none of his vampire powers could help him at this point.

He dropped easily, not yet unconscious but unable to move or scream. Juni hacked at him so many times that she lost count, blood splattering every way that it could. As far as she knew, the next thing to happen was her dragging his body into the woods behind her home, but she stopped. She wanted people to find Yuta.

She started dragging his body alongside the shovel closer to the edge of the woods until she found a random farmer's field. No cameras, as she knew this neighborhood had no security whatsoever. Surely they would mind her disposing of him here, right? Plus, he had died with his fangs out. Perfect.

Juni dug a hole in the middle of the strawberry plants, dragging Yuta's body there and burying it loosely. She left half of his leg sticking out just to make sure.

Once the job was done, she wiped at the sweat on her forehead and started home, headed straight for the gun in her home.

𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗦𝗧𝗢𝗥𝗬 𝗢𝗙 𝗙𝗔𝗩𝗢𝗨𝗥𝗜𝗧𝗘. ❥ nct 127.Where stories live. Discover now