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'Ugh...wha-what happened??' I wake up to see a blinding light poking painfully at my eyelids, I immediately close them again and try to get used to the lighting, only for the light to move away to reveal a very large face.

"Hello there darling. Wake up, time to see your family baby." The face smiled lightly in a deep rumbling voice, it was a man from what I can tell, he has a firm rectangular face, warm mud brown eyes, thick chocolate eyebrows, with short military cut hair of the same chocolate, and stubble hair framing his chin.

I had an odd urge to lay my hands on his face, wondering if the stubble hairs would tickle or not, but when I tried, my arms felt very heavy, and restrained. The giant man picked me up, and I only now realized that I felt too small. 'What?! This doesn't feel right! How is he so huge!? Am I kidnapped?!' I panicked, I don't know what was going on, I just want to go home. Soon I started to cry, and this seemed to alarm the big man, as he started to gently shake me and take smooth strides to a simple brown door. Reaching out with one of his arms, he opens it widely to show a tired woman in bed holding onto the hand of a nervous man, who sits right beside her in a small chair of his own.

Upon seeing us, the man jumps up, "Calm down, it's alright, you have a beautiful baby girl." My giant reassured as he lifts me up into the light of the bedside lamp, presenting me to the once jittery man that now has his arms reached out to me, holding me delicately, as if I was a rare gem. By now I have calmed down enough to small sniffles as I try to look carefully at my surroundings.

It is a simple cozy bedroom, and the furniture that I do see is mainly oak made with soft looking cushions on them. A vanity dresser is to the right of the bed, small flowers and twisty vines carved into the wood as the frame for the polished round mirror.

Many folded blankets are on top of a worn out chest at the foot of the bed. The sheets are a dark red, wrapped warmly around the tired woman as she gazes silently at us with a loving smile. Pillows piled high behind her as she lays sleepily against them. She has beautiful copper strawberry hair with gentle dark blue eyes that could see all that you are with just that calm gaze.

The new man looks at me with a gaze of wonderment, as if he couldn't believe with his own eyes that I am here. He has short dirty blond hair, a more circular head, and protective shocking lime green eyes.

Slowly he moves back down onto the chair, turning me gently for the woman to see my face. "Look at her Iris, look at our little flower." He calls to her, breathing in awe while he passes me to Iris. She props me against her chest with one arm, while rubbing the side of my head softly with a warm and caring hand. "Have you decided on a name?" The other man, who I can only assume is a doctor at this point, asks from the doorway.

"Petunia, Petunia Evans."


It has been a week now, and I had discovered a few things, that I am a baby, and I am in the world of Harry Potter before his time, but most of all I quite possibly became his terrible Aunt Petunia. Remarkably I still have some memories of who I was before,'P-Pheobe? M-ma-Marshall, Yes! I was Pheobe Marshall! That was my name!' But I still have trouble remembering all of who I was as Pheobe.

I am not entirely sure if I will ever go home to my previous world, my family, my siblings, and everyone else, but I won't give up! Since I am now in a world of actual magic, I might find a solution to at least see what happened to me, and if everyone is alright without me.

While I did read many books of similar experiences as mine, I can't take it as facts until I try everything. Mrs. Ev-- Mom, Mom is a calm and iron clad woman who manages a small flower and tea shop called, Scented Teas, on the other hand Mr. -- Dad, yes Dad, is more emotional and free spirited, as he studies different folklore and enjoys all the adventures he reads about, once he read to me one of his favorite short stories,"The Slave and The Lion." It was about a Slave, obviously, who ran from his cruel master to find an injured lion with a thorn swelling his paw.

I liked it, even though this is only the first of the many stories I might hear, I think it was already my favorite, though Mom threatened that if he reads me anything gory she will personally burn his entire collection in a bonfire. I spent my time trying to control my new body that is as plump and fuzzy as a peach. My hands are so small and flabby compared to my Mom's long and nimble fingers as she lightly scratches the tufts of hair now starting to grow on my head.

But when they can't be with me, I am let in the care of our neighbor, Mrs. Paula Clueis (pronounce like Louis but with Clue) who is a small woman in her late 40's with brown hair graying at the roots. I always saw her wearing knitted pastel shirts, a long dark blue skirt, and a beautifully knitted shawl wrapped around her shoulders. I like her very much, she smells like peanut butter and honey. Mrs. Clueis lives alone after her husband died of an illness and her three kids, two girls and one boy, are fully grown and living on their own.

I see her with a sad expression sometimes, like today, Mom had just dropped me off with a bag of fresh Camomile Tea leaves, Paula's favorite, she set me down in her lap as she begin to lightly rock in her rocking chair, looking distantly at the buildings, seeing things that weren't there.

Hoping to cheer her up from her day dreams, I grab onto her old fingers and just played with them, made crazy happy baby sounds, and babbling like a bird. I glance up at her face to see the results of my endeavors, and it does not disappoint, she was smiling! A big bright smile that nearly split her leather book face as she laughs heartily.

"Hahaha! Hooo- You truly are a blessed little girl aren't you? But who knows what will happen when you grow up! Only to become.... A tickle monster!" She lunges her hands at me and tickles me all over. "EEEEAAARRKKKK!!!" The most ungodly shriek I have ever heard was sadly my doing as I suffered at her merciless hands! Even when I grabbed both of them they had slipped through my defense and only tickled even more ferociously!

After our tickle battle, Paula the winner obviously for I was at a disadvantage, she took me back inside for our supper, Dad was planning to take Mom on a date night after work but luckily I have Paula she's great!

Paula carefully set me down in my baby chair, or as I would like to call it, my baby throne, because it makes this whole ordeal more fun, and tied a quilt made bib around my neck as she scampered to get our food. Soon she returned with a little bowl of applesauce in one hand and a bottle of my formula under her arm, while in her other hand she has a plate of spaghetti with vegetable sauce. Not gonna lie, her recipe smelt so good, my mouth waters as I eye her food in envy.

Setting down our food, she eyes the windows carefully as she sits down next to me, nothing but the lazy ticking of a grandfather clock from the next room, and my baby babbling to disturb the silence. Swiftly she pulls something out of her sleeve and all the blinds close up, the loud clicking of locked windows and doors also becomes apparent with a beautiful calm light surrounding everything.

"Now that we have some time to ourselves." She starts,"Let's have some real fun!"

Hello everyone! I hope this chapter was great so far!
The image for this chapter does not belong to me, and is supposed to represent the slave and the lion as is mentioned in this first chapter.
I made up plenty of things but the story,"The Slave and The Lion" Is truly my favorite short story! But there are several other versions of it and I am sure each one is still interesting! Interested in folk lore like me? Here is a link if you wanna check it out!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2023 ⏰

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