Loving you (8)

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Chloe groaned to herself as she woke up, she was hit by nausea as she rushed out of the room and to the bathroom, she groaned as she leant over the toilet and ran a hand through her hair and she started to throw up.

She throw up for a few minutes and groaned as she sat back on the floor as she flushed the toilet, she knew that she hadn't made a decision over the pregnancy and she knew that she had to do but she was scared

Chloe knew that all of this scared her more than she'd like to admit. Chloe looked to see fletch as he walked into the room and looked to her

"are you okay" he asked as she looked to him and smiled

"I've been better" she said as he helped her to her feet and smiled as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled

"I know that all of this is a mess but it's going to be okay, we are going to be okay and whatever you want to do with this pregnancy I will support you but I do think you will be a great mum and we'd make cute babies" fletch said as chloe looked to him and smiled.

She felt conflicted

Chloe sat in her office as she sat rubbing her head, she had a bad head and she had no idea what she wanted to do when it came to the pregnancy, Chloe looked to see kenzie as she walked in and smiled

"hey are you okay" kenzie asked as Chloe looked to her and smiled

"I guess so things Are just hard you know but I am trying and I don't know what to think over it all" Chloe said as Kenzie smiled as she looked to her best friend

"I know that being pregnant changes everything For you but I know that you can do both you can be a surgeon and a mum and I know that you don't want to be like your mum but she was alone. You have fletch and you know he'd never turn his back on you or on his child, you can be a good mum and your not alone. I know you, I am your best friend and I don't think that you can go through with an abortion or with giving your baby up. I know that you are scared but it I will be okay" kenzie said as Chloe looked to her and smiled

Chloe knew it was a mess and how she had to make a decision

Chloe walked into fletch's office as he looked to her and smiled

"hey are you okay" he asked as she closed the door as she walked over and sat on his desk and looked to him and smirked

"I have been thinking over us and everything and this baby and I want us to keep it and I want us to do it as long as I have you" she said as he stood between her legs and smiled

"I'll be going no where" he said as he pulled her close and kissed her, she smirked into the kiss as he got between her legs

she moaned as she felt his hardened member press against her as he pulled her scrub bottoms down as she pulled his down as he pulled her to him and pushed into her causing her to moan in pleasure as he started to move in and out of her but could they make it work?

Loving you *A.Fletcher* (Holby city)Where stories live. Discover now