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Aspen looked at the barren desert that had once been a icy tundra. She removed her extra jackets and gloves, and placed her scarf over her face to protect herself from the sand. She didn't know how much longer she could take it- but she knew one thing, she would not let her brothers sacrifice go to waste. If she went out, she would go out fighting.

She started to cross the desert to try and win the Games, to kill her final opponent: Phillip Jones, a nobody from District 5. Aspen could see him in the distance, wiping sweat off his forehead. She gripped the axe in her hand a little tighter. This would be it, this would determine whether she got to see her friends again, or if she would let Phillip see his friends again. And she really, really wanted to see Katniss and Gale again, to go hunting with them again, to see their faces again. And then Aspen decided she could do it, she believed in herself.

Aspen broke into a slight sprint, hoping to get it over with as soon as possible. She had killed most of the people in the Arena, but it made her uncomfortable. Murdering innocent people, and it was sick. Still, either that or die. And Aspen really didn't want to die.

Phillip started running towards her too, his spear in hand. If Aspen could get him to throw it at her and miss, then maybe she could have a better shot at winning.

They reached about 10 ft distance between each other and stopped. The sand blew around them, getting in Phillips uncovered eyes. He paused to rub them, and Aspen thought about taking a shot, but no. Now was not the time. Stick to the plan, get him to throw the spear, she thought, and nodded to herself. Phillip returned to staring at Aspen, and raised his spear.

Then, he charged, running towards to girl. Aspen got ready to move out of the way.

As soon as he was about to plant the spear right in her stomach, she dove to the left, and Phillip landed in the sand face first, growling. Aspen got up faster than the speed of light and raised her axe at the boy.

And she had done it, she had won the 72nd annual Hunger Games. She would go back to District 12, see her friends again, and go hunting. She did it, her brother didn't sacrifice himself for nothing.

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