Agency Bakugo

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The sticks and leaves crunched beneath them as the small group walked through the forest let by the green haired male. Thankfully it was still early and despite the thick canvas of leaves above them the sunlight still lit the forest enough for them to see as they walked. They however came to a stop at a small flowing river and a log for them to cross.

"This is it, past here is where we built it... try not to fall in" Izuku mumbled and walked carefully along this log that held that one special memory. Bakugo had slipped as a child and fell into the river, Izuku had run down to help his friend as usual. The now adult Izuku snapped put of his thoughts as he reached the other side and looked back at the group.

Aizawa, Kirishima and Todoroki. The rest of the class had started working on the pictures of the apartment while Ochako told them everything she could remember Bakugo saying. It was a split effort, these males had come out here because it wasn't something that required more than 4 people, it barely required 2 but Izuku couldn't convince the others to let him do this alone so here he was.

Once the others crossed the river Izuku led them to a small clearing in the forest that had a moderate sized wooden shack with an old sign above the door with childish handwriting that said- Agency Bakugo.

"Okay it's small so while Kirishima and I go in you two look around on the outside for markings that Kacchan might have left" Izuku once again led the search and pushed open the old rotted wooden door before stepping into the small shack, once he was in he heard the larger more buff Kirishima struggle to get through the door but after a moment he too was inside.

"So what are we looking for in here?" The red head asked as he looked around at the plane looking interior, an old rug sat on the floor, a few paintings on the walls and a desk with small child like chairs sat in the center.

"Kacchan left something here for us to find.." he looked at the table and chairs first, checking for markings or something to indicate what Katsuki had been doing out here all alone in this death trap of a shack.

Kirishima noticed one of the small chairs was sat in the corner, walking over he sat down and looked around, there wasn't anything particular in view that interested him but he realised something.

"Bakubro sat here... whenever he came here, this corner chair is where he sat" Kirishima stated boldly as he looked to Izuku who had stopped his search to look at him like he was crazy but he did look intrigued.

Izuku walked over and looked at Kiri in the chair. "Why? You can't prove he sat there but I'm curious, why do you think Kacchan sat there whenever he came out here?"

"You saw his apartment, the way the furniture used to be set up right? His office is the same... he sets up any furniture facing entry points of a building, facing windows and doors so he is ready for attack, thats how paranoid be was and this chair is no different" he explained as he stood up then lifted the chair and sure enough underneath taped to the bottom was a small key.

"Eijiro you are a genius but we don't know what that key is even for... it could fit any lock in Japan" Izuku groaned as he came to the conclusion that there was still something they was missing in this cabin, thinking to himself before he stopped. "So if Kacchan likes seeing entry points then he would make sure his back is never to them right?"

Kiri had plucked the key from its spot under the chair and nodded. "Well yeah he would most likely always face them.. why what are you thinking?" He asked as he sat the chair back in the corner of the room and stared at Izuku.

"Then..." he moved Kiri and sat in the chair, his body glowed green and he put his fist through the floor directly infront of the chair. As he pulled it back up he dropped a lock box on the floor infront of them. "He would hide it where he can look up and see everything. Open it, everything he had is inside I bet"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2022 ⏰

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