School of Rock

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: [half asleep] How'd you guys get in there?

: Front door was open.

: Why aren't you guys at school?

: We did what you told us. We stuck it to the Man.

: Forget about everything I told you. Look, I'm a loser, okay? You listen to my advice, you'll end up like me with nothing.

: Come on, man, quit goofing around. This is serious business. We're on a mission. One great rock show could change the would. Look out the window.

: [looks outside to find the school bus with all the other kids calling for him to come down] No way... That is so punk rock...


Hey there!

I really suggest watching School of Rock if you're into rock n roll, even if you don't (like I used to before watching the Movie) You will just adore it!

Signing Out!

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