chapter one.

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I watch on the screen as the doctor finds my baby. He points out the head and the heartbeat. Then wipes off the jelly like substance off my belly. "You may get up now" he says as he takes off his examining gloves, then shakes my hand. My phone jingles two or three times while I'm pulling down my shirt. It's his friend who messaged me.
Is the baby his?

What the actual hell? How did he find out?? I clear the message and pull on my jacket. I make my way to the receptionist desk and make another appointment. " I thought it was two months?" I ask the nurse. " Oh the doctor wants to see you sooner since your younger." She smiles. She is one of the nurses I like. She had a baby at fifteen, just a year younger than me. I wave as I walk out to my car. She smiles and waves back. As soon as I'm in my car I see him and his friend. I check my phone.
He wants to talk.

Holy Shit. I act like I didn't see it and start me car. My phone jingles again. Oh No! I look all around, and notice they aren't in the same place they are out in the open.
We can see you, just talk to him.

No I can't do that. That night was a mistake but it gave me something so important. And I'm not letting him hurt me again. He told my friends I was nothing to him and all I was was an easy lay. I'm not going to talk to him. Not until I know he is done with his player ways.
He's getting upset. Meet us at his house in fifteen minutes.

Why fifteen minutes? I wonder if his mother knows. I haven't posted anything about it on social media sites so I should be good on the whole secretive thing. I decide to drive to his house and let his mother know what's going on. She was really kind to me when I stayed and stuff.

It takes me about ten minutes to drive across town, to his house. When I get out I notice the door is open but the screen is closed. I walk decently slow to his door.

His mother must be cleaning or something because there is music on, and it sounds like stuff is being moved. I knock, but almost regret my decision, I think about leaving. Walking Away and never coming back. But there's No way to do that now.

She's walking towards the door, and when she sees me a smile is on her face. "Hey sweetheart! I haven't seen you in over three months! What are you doing here?" She says all bright and bubbly.

" I have to tell you something,but I can't stay. I'll have to leave before Chris gets back." Her face twists in confusion. But she let's me in. I pull the picture I got today out of my pocket and hand it to her. She looks at it then gasps loudly. " he did this didn't he?" I nod not knowing what to say. "He has told everyone bad things about me. All it took was one time, then he left me. He blocked me on all of the social media sites, but he wants to talk now. And I have No clue what I should do." I am in tears by the time I'm done. He was so sweet that night. I should have known better than to have sex with him. I knew he was a player but my heart told me he would change for me. I was wrong so wrong. And now my child will pay the process of not having a daddy in their life.

" I'm so sorry. My son is stupid. He's an asshole player, and I should have warned you, I know how you feel. Chris's father was never involved in his life. He saw Chris maybe once or twice. I will message you later, and if you need anybody to help you Please tell me. That's my grandchild I would love to help you out"

I left, picked up some fast food, went home ate like a pig, and went to bed.

pregnant by an asshole playerWhere stories live. Discover now