chapter two( real )

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It's been a month. I'm almost five months pregnant. I have went shopping with Chris's mom a couple of times. And I have a lot of clothes, and pretty much everything I need. I've never felt so alone. Everything the baby kicks I break a little inside. Chris has unblocked me and tried to add me on everything. He even asked my best friend about me.

Me and Veronica my best friend are going to hang out today. Just go to the mall,maybe even the park.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do when the baby is born. I'm sure I'll be happy and never want to leave him. It's going to be a boy. I already love him so much. His kicking puts me to sleep at night, and I love it. He bounces around inside of me, and it feels like someone is tickling me with a feather in the inside of my belly.

I wanted to name him something really simple at first, but I know he is more than that. I plan on naming him something extremely fun, and unnormal. I'm currently waiting on Veronica on my porch.

She always runs about ten minutes late. She pulls up and I notice she has Damien in the car. He's our gay best friend so he usually comes with us everywhere.

They wave as I walk down the stairs of my porch, and hop into the front seat that has been left conveniently for me. I can't fit into my jeans anymore, which makes me a bit sad but I guess that's Okay.

" Hey girl how's my baby?" Veronica asks pulling us onto the road. I smile as I pat my belly. "He is fine, he likes to keep me up by kicking my ribs, but I love him too much to do anything about it." They both smile at me. The whole school has found out, and nobody has said anything bad about me, but about Chris. Everybody knew we were together for over four months, and that I loved him before he did what he did. I still do. I feel my love for him in my baby growing inside of me. Every kick reminds me of every kiss.

When we arrive at the mall I run to the nearest bathroom to pee. Seeing Veronica laugh made my day. And just because the baby was on my bladder.

When we start walking I notice that we are going to the food court. Good! This girl needs some food! "Okay we have a surprise for you!" Damien practically yells.


    He pulls out a long studded black dress with one  shoulder. "This is your prom dress, we figured we couldn't go without you. So we got you this. " Damien's smile almost makes me cry.  I love them both so much! I envelope them both into a bone crushing hug.

After shopping for about two hours for anything and everything I end up at home. I'm so worn out that I'm out like a light before my head hits the pillow.

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