i fell in love with a man!

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I fell in love with a man,
Who'd take off his hoodie
Even in winter's to keep me warm.
I fell in love with a man,
Who did everything
Yet never uttered 'bout it.

I fell in love with a man,
Who's smile melted my beating heart,
To the eyes which holds the galaxy,
And keeps racing my heart
In the light year speed!
And still holds a safe haven,
Deep within his heart for me

Little by little,
Inch by inch,
Our heartbeat pounding intensely,
Yet passionately
This is us
And I fell in love with a man
Who bought smile in the mist of tears!

Daisies in your heart ❣Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ