Fresh Meat

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     Brisk morning air stung my cheeks as I made my way around campus. I was doing my best to keep in time with the beat blasting from my headphones, while ignoring the glances early morning students sent my way. "They're just attracted to the movement. They're not actually staring at you." I thought to myself.

I pushed myself into a full sprint the second my building came into view. Relief rushed through me when I managed to snag an elevator all to myself. I leaned against the mirrored wall and proceeded to die.

Id always hated running. By far it was my least favorite activity, but I had vowed a few years back to focus more on my health. And yes I was still a bit plumper than other girls, but I was by no means out of shape anymore.

I was still busy attempting to catch my breath when the elevator reached the 3rd floor. I focused on taking long deep breaths as I straightened myself, ready to make a mad dash to my room if needed.

When the doors finally opened I did a quick peek to see if the coast was clear. Down the hall I could see a few guys talking, but they were still far enough away for me to sneak by without gaining added attention. I took one last deep breath and tried my best to hurry my way back to my room.

The second my door latched shut I fell to the floor and just let myself play dead for a few minutes. I still had a few hours before my first class of the day. "Today's gonna be a good day just wait and see" I tried to reassure myself. First days were always the easiest lesson wise, but everything else made it worse. All the introductions and games. It was all just too draining.

After a decent amount of time spent contemplating my life choices I got up and grabbed my shower items before sneaking back into the hallway. There were more students up now, but still not enough to deter me from the relief a burning hot shower promised.

I slipped into a pair of torn up skinnies, my favorite (f/c Anime) shirt, and a light plain black jacket. Then applied a little bit of winged eyeliner, mascara, and chapstick, before heading back to my room.

The halls were now packed with students preparing for the first day of the semester. A few frantic students were scurrying to get to class, others were talking about grabbing food or hitting up the library with their friends in larger groups.

"Hey Hey HEY!" A familiar voice called out from behind me. I spun so fast a few bottles fell from my basket and rolled down the hall. I locked eyes with my favorite golden eyed, horned owl. "BO!" I screamed, over flowing with happiness.

Bokuto Koutarou had been my BFF since I was 4. He was a year older than me, but being the closest kid to him growing up, I got roped into being his friend. Which was both a blessing and a curse. For Bo was nothing if not an overly confident social butterfly. Honestly Bo was probably the only reason I even had friends.

Strong arms made their way around my waist before I was hoisted up over Bo's head. "Put me down!" I shrieked, though we both knew I loved being picked up. Bo complied, but only so he could crush me in a hug. "I've missed you squirt" Bo laughed as he squeezed me even harder.

"Bokuto, You're gonna kill her." Akaashi's calm voice cut through Bo's excited chatter. At the younger males words he released me. I gulped down air, trying to return my lungs to their non compressed forms. "T-thanks Akaashi" I gasped. He gave me a small wave before handing me the items I had dropped in Bo's attack.

"Sorry (y/n). It's just been so long!" Bo laughed as he smacked me on the back a few times. "You helped me pack..." I teased. "Doesn't count. We couldn't do anything fun." Bo's hair deflated a little as he spoke. The look hurt my heart a little.

He was right after all. Before packing we hadn't really hung out since he graduated. "You're right I'm sorry." I let out an awkward laugh before pulling both boys into my own crushing hug.

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