The Best Buns in Town

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When I made it back to my dorm, my roommate was laying on the couch watching Tv. Momiko was the only other resident in my dorm. The other two rooms were currently vacant. "Sup (y/n)!" Momo called from her sofa crease. "Sup sofa crease." I teased as I walked into my room. I heard a pillow hit my door as I shut it and chuckled under my breath.

We hadn't known each other more than a week but we'd just clicked. She was the other best friend I hadn't known I had needed. "Oi! Some cute dude who looked like he's terrified of hair brushes stopped by earlier." Momo yelled through the door. My face flushed at her words. I quickly threw on an oversized (fave anime) T shirt and a pair of comfy black shorts.

"Yeah he said he wanted to check if you made it back ok. It was disgustingly sweet." Momo continued through what sounded like mouthfuls of food. I grabbed my hairdryer and headed out into the living. Momo was indeed stuffing her face full of popcorn as she talked. I plopped myself down infront of the mirror we'd set up in the living room and began drying my hair as I listened to her.

"Oh he also told me not to tell you he stopped by. But like your my best friend dude. So why wouldn't I tell you." Momo said as she stood up and stretched.

"Ew you're right that is disgustingly sweet." I laughed. Momo immediately picked up on the blush that had crept across my cheeks. She plopped down behind me and held out her hand for the blow drier. "So who is he?" She asked as she made fast work of my thick (h/c) locks.

"He's a friend of a friend. Met at that weird welcome party last night." I began to answer. "Wait. Is he why you didn't come home last night?" Momo cut me off, mischief gleaming behind her eyes. My face flared bright red and I playfully shoved her. "NO! Not exactly!" I squealed. "Then what happened?" Momo laughed as she sat back up.

When I didn't immediately answer she held out her arms. "Don't make me tickle it out of you!" She threatened. I sighed in defeat. "Bo invited a bunch of us over after the party cause he wasn't done yet. That guy was one of the people that went. We all passed out in Bo's living room. Then this morning, or I guess afternoon, when I realized I didn't have time to come here and change he leant me his hoodie."

She looked at me lost in thought as she processed my story. "Those his pants?" She finally said as she tugged on the leg of my sweats. "No theyre Akaashi's." I laughed and shoved her out of the way again.

I tied my hair up into a messy bun as I began to walk towards the kitchenette "So what's lover boys name?" Momo called after me. "He's not lover boy! Nothing happened we just talked." I responded a little too quickly. "So then tell me his name (y/n). Or I'm going to keep calling him Lover boy."

"I take back my friendship. You are so aggravating." I groaned. I began to heat some water to make tea. She just hummed delightfully as she skipped over to the counter and took a seat. "Too late now spill." She smiled. "Ugh fine. His name is Kuroo. He was captain of one of the rival schools of my highschool volleyball team." She thought for another short moment. It gave me enough time to make two mugs of (f/f) tea.

I set the second mug infront of her and leaned back against the counter. "First Name?" She finally asked before adding a quick, "oh how sweet thanks" and burning her mouth on the hot tea. I stifled a laugh with a cough and didn't hesitate to answer this time. Better than then her realizing I'd laughed. "Are you okay? And uh I think it's Tetsuro." I held out a paper towel for her.

She eyed me suspiciously but accepted. "We'll do you like him?" This time her question didn't have a slight teasing undertone. She was serious which always threw me off. "Y-yeah. I mean it's not like he's gonna be anything other than a friend. Maybe not even that. But he's not bothering me if that's what your asking."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2022 ⏰

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