Get to Know you More

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"Are you sure you want to spend your off-days with me instead of your family?" Asked Subaru, concerned as Yume made her way towards his locker. "Five days of rest, and you're willing to spend three days of it with me. I told you, I don't mind spending it alone." He shook his head, bewildered. 

Yume chuckled. "Why can't I spend the days with my boyfriend like Ako-chan and Koharu?"

"You have your own family to attend to as well." Subaru interrupted. "I'm sure they're dying to see you again, considering that you're now Japan's top idol. But," he pulled out his phone, "if you insist, then I have something planned for us."

Yume crouched over. "Where are we going, then?" She saw some slips of paper inside his bag. "What are you hiding from me, Subaru-kun? C'mon! Let me see! Or else, I'll take them by force!"

"Tickets to the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation. C'mon, Yume-chan! Let's go! We have a long journey before we get there!"

"I never thought you'd surprise me like that, Subaru-kun!"


Yume looked at her boyfriend in awe as he patiently explained each piece of art to her in the museum. She had never been to a science museum at all, but Subaru looked like as if he was its curator, having spent years researching each and every piece of exhibit.

"Although I'm one of Japan's most famous singers, it doesn't mean I don't have interest in science. Believe it or not, when I was young, I really wanted to be a scientist, inventing robots and machines to improve our lives. And when I turned nine, I then set my aspirations towards being an astro-physicist, or just an astronomer. The topic of 'space' intrigues me, and I used to dream about discovering alien life on other stars or planets." Subaru explained, taking her towards the Nobel Q permanent exhibition. 

"My mother supported my dream, mainly because of the high salary, but at least she was supportive." He continued. "So, she would take me here during weekends to let myself be inspired by all these Nobel Prizewinners, and work hard in order to be just like them. Looking back, I did really think I was going to be a scientist."  

Yume giggled. "To be a singer was one of your last resorts?"

"I just wanted to try out." He shrugged. "Nozomu made me come. I knew I was talented when it comes to music, but being a singer wasn't on my agenda when I auditioned for Four Star Academy. Nevertheless, I think it is fate that I became a singer. If I pursued my dream, we wouldn't have met, nor would I be able to experience so much, touring around our country and many others. Forming M4 really changed my life." He answered, his eyes sparkling.

The girl laughed. "I thought you wanted to be a singer from the very start. You see, my parents own one of Japan's most renowned bakeries. So, from a very young age, I started cooking and baking with them. That's where my love for food comes from."

"Like you, I thought I would become someone else. My aspiration was to win as many cooking and baking contests as I could for our country, like my parents. However, as I grew older, I started liking Four Star Academy's idol senpais, like Hime-senpai, and that made me want to change my dream career." Yume replied, finding Subaru's childhood relatable in some way.

He shrugged. "I guess it's all because of fate. If it weren't for both Nozomu-kun and I, I would've still been drilling for the National Exam. And you, Yume-chan, will be working your butt off creating new recipes."

Yume admired his passion. She always knew he loved music, but that day, she saw a new side of him. A side of him that naturally came to her as 'cute'. He was often flustered by her intimate acts -- holding hands and leaning against his shoulder in public. And seeing him so entranced by the science museum, made her decide that she'd made the right choice to accept him as her partner, her boyfriend.

The couple, after spending a few hours inside exploring the museum, decided to visit one of the cafés nearby. As usual, Subaru was amazed by how much Yume could eat in such a short period of time -- she could easily win one of those competitive eating competitions with ease.

"I'll pay the bill today." The boy offered. "You being here is enough, to accompany me during your precious off-days. I am not worth your company, despite you being my girlfriend." 

"Nah, you do!" Yume scoffed. "Stop thinking that you don't deserve me, Subaru!" 

The male pressed a small peck on her cheek, and muttered a 'thank you' before the left the café. He looked at Yume's rather small palms. "Would you like to hold hands? If you're uncomfortable since it's our second date, it's fine. Don't be pressured to do so, but my hand is always available." 

Smiling, Yume put his hand in hers, and the two headed to a park to take pictures, commemorating their date, just like Koharu and Asahi. 

In fact, Subaru remembered it was a suggestion from Kasumi Asahi himself, a cute gesture to show that every single date mattered to the couple. On the contrary, Kanata was against the idea of taking so many pictures. 'Leave those storage space for dirty pics, man! I have a gallery full of my kitty posing naked in bed, and I'm sure you'll not regret that, my friend.' Subaru remembered his pal's words. Despite that, however, he found it unethical, and decided to stick with Asahi's suggestion.

"Three, two, one!" 

Flaunting their poses, they snapped selfies and individual photos to upload on their social media accounts -- it had been a while since Yume posted on S4's Instagram account. "You look adorable, Yume." Muttered Subaru, scrolling through the photos they'd just taken. "This one's exceptionally cute. I think you should put this one on top." He advised. 

In return, Yume smiled, and only kissed his cheek. "Thanks!" She snuggled closer to him. "Let's spend a few more minutes before returning to the academy."



Since the fandom wiki has made it canon that Subaru likes sci-fi, I can just go to the conclusion -- he's into science and had a scientist phase when he was little. So I decided to take it from there and include a bit of his past in this chapter. 

We don't know much about Subaru's past/family from the anime besides him being an only child, so it's a topic I can freely develop, which I'm glad~~

Thank you for reading!
- Momoka @shiny_smile_girl

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