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"I want to go to college and study psychology, you know how people's mind works. That stuff just interests me."

Cassius stared at her in adoration. Everything about her intrigued her. Just having this simple conversation with her in the corner of this crowded living room, had him seeing her in a whole new light. Her mindset wasn't that of a fifteen year old.

"I used to want to go to college. I had scholarships and everything but... yeah." Cass admitted, his arm laying over her shoulder.

She looked up at his face, his blue eyes were so beautiful and unique to her. "Why exactly... didn't you go?"

"I figured why would I go to school when I could own the world." His words were cold, ice cold. The intense and intimate moment was suffocating. It was so hot between them. "And I'm so close to owning the world."

Suddenly, Crime Mob abruptly stopped playing and screams and yells were heard. Not used to this kind of scene, Riley gripped onto Cass's Versace shirt but he stood up, trying to see what happened.

Ryan and Darius was at Cass's side in a flash. "Man, code blue nigga. Two of ya bitches fighting."

Cassius could see Kae and Cassandra stomping Liana out, Li's friends watching. This bitch never knew how to act. He gave Darius a look to stay and watch Riley as he stormed over to the fight. He gripped Kae by the arm and lifted her up, while kicking Cassandra in the temple to temporarily knock her out.

Liana laid out on the carpet, blood oozing from her mouth and nose. Cassius glared at Kae and dragged her up the stairs and up to the master bedroom. He slammed the door shut and threw her on the bed. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

"Im sorry!" Kae cried. "I just seen you flirting with that bitch and then she just waltzed on in my house! I felt disrespected!"

He looked down at her in pure boredom. He wanted nothing more than to let his hands slither around her neck and press until her cries were no longer heard. But he wasn't going to kill her, no matter what the voices in his head said, her pussy was too good.

"Quit doing dumb shit, before I cut you off." He shot, his voice lifeless and frozen.

Her damp eyes, dried mascara smeared all over her face. "Cut me off? Baby, I love you. I'll stop fighting, I promise." She pleaded. She looked desperate.

Cassius rolled his eyes, swiftly turning and leaving her alone. He slowly walked down the steps and back towards his friends and Riley. The whole house was quiet as most had left and the noisy niggas were wanting to see what King was going to do. Riley's sister and friends were accompanying her.

"Im ready to go home. Let's go." Deja sniffled.

"Home? So soon?" Cassius smiled his panty dropping smile. "No, stay. The night is just starting."

Rochelle glanced at her phone, seeing a text from her mom and the time. "It's 12:45, Riley and I need to go home."

Hearing this, Cassius took the time to compare and contrast, his admiration and her sister. He could see faint similarities like that one dimple or their hair color. But he could clearly see they only shared one parent. "I'll have y'all home soon. I'm sure your mom will understand, y'all just having fun."

Cass was good at persuading people. It was apart of his diagnosis. He was intimidating and charming. He could show you his smile and a few slick words and he'd have you ready to do anything he wanted you to. He was a sociopath, according to doctors and professionals.

"Just for awhile... then we go straight home." Ro gave in.

He grinned at her before looking back at Riley. She was playing with her fingers and looking around at her surroundings.

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