Chapter 1

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Taehyung's POV:

"Mommy!" I call out, excited to show my mother the new spell I had just learned. "Mommy, where are-"

"Don't say such things, Nari." I heard my grandmother say. "He's only five years old; he doesn't know what his father did to you."

"I don't care, mother." My mom replies angrily. "He'll grow up and become exactly like him."

"My dear, you don't know that."

"I do, mother." I hid behind the wall as I listened close to their conversation. "He'll hit twenty one and he will destroy this coven, I bet my life on it!"

"You don't know that, Nari." My grandmother said calmly. "For all we know, Taehyung, given the proper teachings, will be nothing like the dragon, Aromas."


"Fear of the name only increases fear of the being, itself."

"Fine." My mother said after a moment's silence. "You want to raise him, do it. I refuse to even go near that little demon anymore." With that, I could hear the angry footfalls of my mother as she left the room, stopping only to give me a disgusted look before hurrying off towards the rest of the witches. I could no longer hold back my tears. My own mother...hates me...what did my father do to her to make her hate me now?

"Taehyung." My grandmother's soft voice rang out as I felt a warm presence kneel down beside me. "Sweetie, it's going to be okay."

"Mommy doesn't love me." I say between sobs. "I just wanted to show her what auntie Maria taught me."

"Sweetie, listen...she's just scared. Because of something your father had done to her, she's worried about you being like him." Grandmother gently brushed my hair out of my eyes, carefully wiping away my tears. "But I know you could never be like Aromas."

"How?" I ask as I look up at her.

"Because you are nothing like him, now." She smiled out warmly. "Do you know how special you are, Kim Taehyung?" I shook my head silently. "You are the only boy to have been born into any of the five covens within the past thousand years. That, alone, makes you very special." I smile at my grandmother's words. "Now, show me what aunt Maria taught you."


Jungkook's POV:

"Papa," I began as my father walked into the cave. "Papa, when can I breathe fire?"

"What?" My father laughs out.

"I wanna breathe fire like you and mama." My father just smiles, walking over to me.

"Well son, there's a special potion we need to drink before we can breathe fire." He replies, walking deeper into our cave as he spread his wings, putting one behind my back. "Here, I'll show you what I mean." He led me over to the far end of our cave, picking up a small gold and red box. Upon opening it, he took out a small round bottle, sealed by a quirk. "This, Jungkook, is flamonika. It's easily obtained from the witch coven, Cainica."

"What about Aurora?" I ask. "Can't they make it for us?"

"Son," My father began nervously. "We don't talk to any of the witches in Aurora."


"They and the other three covens who have turned against dragon kind, would have our heads, given the chance." Father opened the small bottle, taking a pipette from the box and collected into it some of the red liquid. "Open your mouth." I did as told, sticking my tongue out as my father put a drop of sweet tasting potion on it. "You only need one drop of this to be able to breathe fire. No more, no less. Now, tilt your head up, take a deep breath in and quickly breathe out." I did as I was told. As I let out my breath, I could feel a burst of heat escape my mouth as flames shot from me.

"Cool!" I shout in amazement as my father looked down upon me with a proud smile.

"Jeon." Aromas, the king of dragons, called as he walked closer to us. I hid behind my father, hoping not to be the one he was talking to. My father bowed down in respect for Aromas. "You may stand." Father did as he was told. "As you know, my son, Yoongi, turns eight in a couple of days."

"Yes sir." Father replied.

"He wishes your little Jungkook to sing for him on his day."

"It would be his honor, your majesty." Father replied. I only grew more nervous by the second. I don't mind prince Yoongi, not at all. In fact, he's like an older brother to me. It's more to the fact that Aromas downright terrifies me. If I make one wrong move, sing one wrong note or anything of the sort, I'm scared he'll have my head. Never the less, prince Yoongi is well worth it to me.

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