Chapter 3

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Taehyung's POV:

As the rain poured down on us heavily, I could feel every emotion of my coven members. This is a bitter sweet time for us, tomorrow is my fifteenth birthday. The day of which I become of age. I feel Jimin's hand on my shoulder as she walks up behind me. Looking back to her, I see a look of sorrow and empathy.

"Today, we gather to send one of our own to the next life." One of our elders said as she stepped up to the coffin. I could no longer hold back my tears. "Hosook was a fierce leader, a brilliant mother an even better grandmother and, above all, a true friend. Taehyung, my is you who keeps her spirit alive now." I feel my tears fall, heavy as the rain. "Would you like to say a few words, my child?" "I nod silently, walking up in front of my grandmother's coffin.

"My grandmother was everything to me and more." I began, trying to keep a steady voice. "She took me in when I was only five and raised me. When nobody else knew what to do, she was there. Grandma was-" I couldn't take it anymore. I began to break down and sob heavily. I could feel a warm touch across my back as somebody hugged me tight.

"Grandma Hosook was the best person I knew." Jimin said as she rubbed small circles on my back. "She never once gave up on Tae or I, even when we wanted to give up. Rest with the angels, grandma Hosook. You are severely missed." With that, Jimin guided me back to where we stood before, holding me tight to try and comfort me as they lowered my grandmother into the ground.


Jungkook's POV:

"So, he's half dragon?" I ask excitedly.

"He's my half brother, actually." Yoongi replies, a bite of chicken still in his mouth. He swallows the bite, just before continuing. "My father would never admit to the kid being his son, dude's half witch."

"Woah." I say in amazement.

"I'd like to meet him someday, though. Tell him who he truly is."

"Can I meet him, too?" I ask. "He sounds really cool." Prince Yoongi let out a quiet laugh.

"I don't even know him." He replied. "But if I meet him, I'll bring you with me."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2022 ⏰

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