The Family Madrigal

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"Open your eyes." Said Aubuela with little girl Mirable on her lap and the candle in front of her. "This is where the magic comes from?" Said Mirabel with open eyes. "Hmh! This candle holds the miracle givin' to our family." She said back. "How did we get a miracle?" Said Mirabel looking up at Aubuela, Abuela hugged her. "Long ago... When my 3 babies had just bin born, your abuelo: Pedro and I were forced to flee our home. And though many joined us, hoping to find a new home. We could not escape the dangers and your abuelo... was lost. But, in our darkest moment we were giving a miracle! The candle became a magical that could never go out and it blessed us with a river in which to live. A place of wonder." Abuela explained. "An Encanto?" Asked Mirabel listening closely to Abuela. "An Encanto! The miracle grew and our house, oir Casita it self came alive to shelter us. When my children came of age, the miracle blessed each with a magic gift to help us and when there children came of age..." "They got magic to!" Mirabel said happy. Abuela laughs "That's right! And together our family's gifts have made the new home a paridaise!" Mirabel looks at the candle that Abuela is holding. "Tonight, this candle will give you you're gift mi vida (my life) strength in our community, strength in our home. Make your family proud proud." She said while she fixed Mirabel's glasses and hair. "Make my family proud." Mirabel copied. Fireworks go off outside and the wooden planks on the floor brings a clock to them saying it's time to go. "Yes, yes Casita were going!" Abuela said laughing a bit. Mirabel jumps of the bed and does her shoes on. Abuela and Mirabel walk together outside "What do you think my gift will be?" Said Mirabel while holding Abuela's hand. "You are a wonder Mirabel Madrigal! Whatever gift awaits, will be just a special as you." Abuela said. Mirabel was ready and went up to the glowing door and touched it...
10 YEARS LATER (Mirabel is 15)
Best to watch the vidio to continue

"Well..." "MIRABEL!" Abuela says very loud. "What...are you doing?"she says confused holding a plant "They were just asking about the family and..." "SHE WAS ABOUT TO TELL US HER SUPPER AWSOME GIIIIFT!" Said the kid screaming and interrupting Mirabel. "Oh, Mirabel didn't get one. Hm!" Dolores said and left with Abuela. All the kids turn and looked at Mirabel. "You didn't get a gift?" Asked a girl "thu- uhm..." "Mirabel!" A man voice said. Its the delivery man. "Delivery! I gave u the special since your the only Madrigal kid with no gift!" He gave Mirabel the basked full with stuff. "I call it the: not special, special. Since uh... you have no gift!" He said pointing a finger to the air. "Thanks." Mirabel said awkwardly. "Oh, and tell Antonio goodluck. Last gift ceremony was a bummer... last one being yours that... that did not work" He said quickly before he left. "Ehe..." said Mirabel still awkwardly smiling. "If I was you, I'll be really sad..." a kid said "Well my little friend I am not, because the truth is: gift or no gift I am just as special as the rest of my family" said Mirabel looking at her family doing stuff with their magic "Maybe your gift is being in denial..." Mirabel went inside with the box in her hands and bumbed into a few people."Sorry, Excuse me..." She said while making her way to the kitchen. She got stopped by spikes of the floor to watch out, the stairs slowly start to form "Lift it higher... higher!" Abuela said "Camilo we need another Hosé." "HOSÉ!" Camilo shapeshifted into the man and helped with the banner. "Luisa the piano goes upstairs!" Abuela says from upstairs "I'm on it!" She ran past Mirabel "Carfull sis!" She said while getting the paino. Then Mirabel got hit by a wind, it was Pepa who was very nervous. "My babies night has to be perfect and it's not perfect and people are coming!" "Your tornadoing! The flowers, the flowers!" Felix said trying to calm her down "Did someone say... Flowers!" Isabella said making a dramatic entrance, growing flowers and giving a bouquet to Pepa "Our angel, our angel!" Felix said. "Please don't clap." Said Isabella smiling to Pepa "Thank you." Said Pepa calmly. "Oh its nothing, it's nothing." Said Isabella while flipping her hair into Mirabel's face. "A little sisterly advice: if you weren't always trying to hard you wouldn't be in the way." She said while rolling her eyes "Actually Isa this is called helping and I'm not in the way you are OOF!" She bumped into a pole full of flowers. She made her way to the kitchen where her mom Julieta was getting the cooking stuff ready. "Wow... Mi vida you okay? You don't have to over do it." She said while putting down a baking pot. "I know mama I just wanne do the part like the rest of the family." She said while packing out the stuff in the box. "She's right amoré (love)" said her dad Agustín with bee stings all over his face "eeek..." said Mirabel disgusted "First gift ceremony since your's. Lot of emotions" He said while putting his swollen hand on Mirabel's.
"Bee's stings!" She said pulling back her hand. "And I've bin there." He said "Ayé, Agustín!" Julieta said annoyed. "When me and your Tío Felix married into the family. Outsiders who had no gift, never ever would. Surrounded by the exceptional it was easy to feel... onceptional" He said while putting down a jar out of the box "Okay papi..." "I'm just saying I get it." He said and Julieta gave him a arepa "Eat, mi amor if you ever want to talk..." She said while Agustín his Bee stings went away "I gotta put out the stuff. The house isn't going to decorate it's self!" She said jokingly. The flags went bit down in sadness. "Sorry u could, u look great." She said to the Casita, the flags went up and happy again. "Korason (honey) remember!" Said Julia "Yeah, remember." Said Agustín "You have nothing to proof." They said both. Mirabel gave them a thumbs up and left the kitchen. Mirabel made a suprise for the family a small paper in a form and in the middle a candle. Mirabel looks at the pictures hung up next to Abuela's room, everyone with their gift door at young age being happy. "ONE HOUR!" Said Abuela from a distance scaring Mirabel and knocking the candle over making the paper burn. "Oh no no!" She tried to stomp the fire out "Maybe you should leave the decorations to someone... else?" Abuela said kindly "Ugh, no I actually made these as a suprise. For you..." the paper was still in flame and she tried to stomp it again "Mirabel... I know you want to help but Tonight must go perfectly. The whole town relies on our family, on our gifts so the best way for... some of us to help is... to step aside. Let the rest of the family do what they do best, okay?" She said friendly "hmh." Mirabel softly nodded with a small smile. A wind went over them "Pepa! You have a cloud!" She said noticing Pepa on the other side of the balcony who was mad "I know mama but now I can't find Antonio. What do you want from me!?" She said angry "Mama, be nice to Mirabel okay. You know tonight will be hard for her." Said Julieta who was half way up the stairs "If the gift ceremony doesn't go well this time. Tonight will be hard for us all..." She said while Mirabel made her way to her room and went inside closing the door and sat on her bed.

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