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Outside of the door is a fancy looking room filled with more beds with sick people laying flat on them, wires connected to their bodies to monitor their hearts as they slept. The windows were coated with frost as it was almost impossible to tell what was outside. It looked dark on the other side of the window, but not dark enough to be nighttime. You looked up at the ceiling to spot a chandelier hanging neatly from a chain, illuminating the room along with a few other lights.

You patted your body, looking for the specific amulet you had obtained what felt like only a few minutes ago.

He took your Vision.

You snarled in anger and storm to another door in hopes it led out of the hospital, opening it.

A closet..?

"Excuse me!" A nurse walks over to you. "What do you think you're doing? You're supposed to be laying down until your designated nurse receives orders to escort you."

"I need to speak with a Harbinger." The nurses and patients that were awake look over at you and stare in silence.

"Did you have surgery? I think the anesthesia is getting to your head. More of a reason to lay back down." She grabs your wrist before turning and looking at the elevator when it dings. The doors open and a small, intimidating figure stands there, looking down at the ground. She immediately lets go of you and stands up straight, facing him along with the rest of the nurses.

"You know, it really bothers me when I'm called down to get something under control. This better not be anything stupid or I'm going to be really fucking annoyed. Do you understand me?" Scaramouche walks out the the elevator and straightens his hat, the vail hanging from it lightly swishing behind him.

"Yes, My Lord!" The nurses say in unison, bowing their upper bodies slightly as you look at him and furrow your eyebrows. Like he could sense your gaze on him, he looks towards you and makes eye contact before smirking.

"Ahh, I see. So this is why...what a rebellious one you are." He chuckles. "Feeling better?" He stares into your eyes, making you feel weak under his gaze. It felt like poison, causing every single limb on your body to feel frail and brittle.

"I feel fine. Thanks."

"Oh, you are very welcome. What manners you have." He snickers. "But I can't really interpret them as sincere when your tone sounds like that."

You roll your eyes. "Where is my Vision?"

"I have it safe and sound. Let's just say that we're...modifying it a little bit. It's nothing too important. Nor is it anything you can understand at the moment." He continues to stare into your eyes, maintaining direct eye contact.

"I want to know. It's my Vision." You say with a shake in your voice.

"You don't sound too confident...What's got you afraid, hm?" He chuckles and turns around. "This is a conversation we should be having in private. Please, follow me." He walks back into the elevator and waits for you, crossing his arms over his body.

You hesitate for a second, looking at him. Do you really trust him enough? What if he kills you in the elevator?

"Well, what are you waiting for? Come on." He snarls, getting impatient. You rush to the elevator and stand in there with him as he clicks the button for the doors to close. The doors slowly shut and you make eye contact with one of the nurses before the elevator starts to descend.

You were right next to the same Harbinger that almost ended you.

 ❆𝘛𝘩𝘦 8𝘵𝘩 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘪𝘳 𝘪𝘴 𝘖𝘱𝘦𝘯 ❆ (~Gender Neutral~)Where stories live. Discover now