I'm Scared Of Losing You.

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Warning: Mentions of Death
Requested by CallieTheFangirl

Bingo let out a blood-curdling scream as he rushed over to Fleegle's corpse. Blood was gushing out from his husband's head. Bingo felt tears running through his cheeks as he looked up to also see Snorky and Drooper, on the floor, dead. His friends. His family. They were gone. He couldn't protect them. He was alone. He had failed them. Bingo gently cradled Fleegle in his arms and sobbed. Bingo heard footsteps walking towards him. Bingo looks up to see El Kabong. El Kabong stared at Bingo, showing barely any hint of emotion. El Kabong held up his guitar, which was covered in blood, and was ready to hit Bingo with it.
Bingo cried out as he held Fleegle close to him. El Kabong was just standing there, his blood-soaked guitar ready to kill its next victim.
"I couldn't protect them....I have failed you. I have failed you all."
Bingo looked over at all of his dead friends as tears were rolling down his cheeks.
El Kabong nodded and was about to swing his guitar at Bingo. Bingo closed his eyes as he mumbled out the words.
"I'm sorry."
He felt someone calling out his name.
He felt the voice growing louder.
Bingo shot straight up out of his bed, eyes wide open, as he took a gasp of air. He felt his heart pound against his chest as he continued to gasp for air. Bingo felt a hand on his shoulder. Bingo looked over to see none other than Fleegle.
"Bingo. What's wrong? Is everything alright?"
Fleegle's voice was soft, but it sounded concerned. Fleegle gently put his hand on Bingo's face as he gently wiped out the tears streaming down Bingo's face. Bingo quickly held Fleegle in a tight hug, taking the beagle by surprise.
"It's alright. I'm here. I'm here. I will always be here for you."
Fleegle spoke in a soft voice as he felt his chest dampened with Bingo's tears. Fleegle held his husband close to him and gently kissed the forehead of his sobbing orangutan husband. Time had passed and Fleegle came back to the room, him and Bingo shared, with a glass of water. Fleegle handed the glass over to Bingo. Once Bingo took the glass of water into his hands, Fleegle climbed up to the bed they slept in and sat next to him. Bingo felt Fleegle's hand rubbing against his back as he blankly stared at the glass of water before him.
"Bingo? Do you mind telling me what happened?"
Bingo glanced over at his husband and looked away.
"It's alright if you don't want to talk about it. We can always watch a movie til we fall asleep or maybe just cuddle?"
Fleegle opened his arms for Bingo to hug him. Bingo leans into Fleegle's embrace without looking at him. His eyes tried their best to avoid Fleegle, but they couldn't help but gaze at him. Fleegle gently brushed Bingo's hair as Fleegle's gentle and sweet kisses graced the orangutan's face. The kisses caused Bingo to giggle.
"Hehehe Fleeg. Babe."
"Hmmm? Are my kisses making you feel better?"
Fleegle lets out a chuckle as he continues to give gentle kisses to Bingo, making Bingo let out a few giggles.
Bingo gently placed both of his hands on each of Fleegle's cheeks, making Fleegle come to a halt. Fleegle gazed into Bingo's eyes.
"...I had a nightmare."
"I can tell. You were whimpering in your sleep."
"I had a nightmare where you and the rest were dead."
Bingo lets out a sigh as he gently sat on the edge of the bed.
"All I remembered is that I found you, Drooper and Snorky dead on the ground. Blood was spewing out of the three of you as El Kabong walked towards me so he can end my life as well. I was scared, Fleeg....no I am still scared. I'm scared of losing you and the gang. I'm scared not being able to protect you guys. I'm scared of failing you guys. I'm just scared....I'm scared..."
Bingo felt his tears prick the corner of his eyes. Bingo felt like he was trembling. Fleegle grabbed a hold of Bingo's hand.
"Honey. Honey. Look at me."
Fleegle gently led Bingo's head to face him.
"Look. I'm here aren't I? It was just a nightmare. I promise that you will never lose me. I am always here for you, My Dear."
Bingo wipped his tears away as he lets out a few hiccups and sniffles.
"...a-and If I wasn't there for y-you?"
"I can fend for myself. Trust me. Besides I'm your leader. If anything, I'm suppose to protect you."
Fleegle gave Bingo a gentle peck on his cheek as he held him close.
"Hey! I got something to cheer you up. Knock Knock."
"...a knock knock j-joke? Alright I'll bite. Who's there?"
"Orange you stunning."
Bingo rolled his eyes and lets out a laugh.
"Heheh...ok that was good."
Bingo felt himself smiling.
"There's the beautiful smile I love seeing."
Bingo closed his eyes and kissed Fleegle and Fleegle happily returned that kiss. Fleegle layed his back on the bed while Bingo rested his head on Fleegle's chest. Fleegle placed a hand on Bingo's head and started to softly pet him.
"Hey Hon?"
"Yes Bingo?"
"Tell me...what happens if you die?"
"Well....I just die really, but when I die, I will do my best to protect you as a ghost."
Fleegle gently booped Bingo's nose, which made Bingo giggle.
"But when I'm dead, I want you to continue life without me. I want you to be happy. Maybe even find a new husband?"
"But...I don't want a new husband. The only person I love and will only love is you. I don't want anyone else. I'll carry on my life, but I refuse to remarry."
Bingo give Fleegle a few gentle kisses on his chest.
"Because I love you, Fleegle. I love no one else, but you."
"Awww Bing. I love you too."
The couple then shared a gentle and loving kiss while holding eachother very close. The two pulled away from the kiss and started to cuddle with eachother.
"Hey Fleegy?"
"Yes Bingo?
"I want to live out the rest of my life with you. I want to make every moment that we share last."
"Oh well....Of course!"
"Fleegle, will you marry me again?"

🧡💛The End💛🧡

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