Missing?: Auggie Doggy

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Requested by stickman1609

"Bye Dads! I'm off to school!"
"Aren't you forgetting something, Sweetie?"
"Oh yeah!"
Auggie kissed both me and my darling's cheek as she went on her merry way to her school. Auggie. My sweet and beautiful daughter. Ain't she the best? Of course, Mr. Jinxs, my beloved husband, is also the best. I love both of them with all my heart and I would do anything to protect them. I felt a gentle hand softly caress my arm. I looked over to see my beautiful husband, Mr. Jinxs. I couldn't help but smile once I saw him.
"Our little girl is growing up so fast. Isn't she?"
"Y-yeah! Makes me a bit nervous, I'll be honest."
"She'll be fine, Dear. She's a big girl."
"I know. I know. I love you, Mr. Jinxs."
"I love you too, Dear."
I smiled brightly as I wrapped my arm around Mr. Jinx's waist for him to wrap his arm around the back of my neck. Hours passed and Auggie should've been here by now. School ended awhile ago and I can't check her GPS tracker since I threw it away when I started dating Mr. Jinxs.
"I'm sure she is fine, Dear."
I slightly jumped and looked over my shoulder to see Mr. Jinxs behind me.
"Mr. Jinxs! You scared me."
I felt his lips giving me a gentle peck on the cheek as he lets out a chuckle.
"Sorry. I kinda sensed you were panicking. Since...you know....she ain't here yet. I'm sure she is hanging out with her friends and will come back as soon as you know it."
"Yeah...yeah you're right."
I felt a bit calmer and I found myself letting out a soft smile. Ever since Mr. Jinxs came into my life, I find myself more at peace. It's like a....like a....well uh...I don't know how to describe it, but it's relaxing. All I'm saying is that I'm glad to have Mr. Jinxs and Auggie in my life. I don't remember when I fell asleep, but I woke up on my bed with Mr. Jinxs by my side. I stirred and rised out of bed.
"Mmmm...Morning, Doggie Daddy..."
"Goodmorning, Mr. Jinxs. Did you sleep well?"
I chuckled and started to kiss Mr. Jinxs all over his face as he started to giggle.
"Alright, Alright. I love you."
"I love you too, Doggie Daddy."
"Say...did Auggie....return?"
"...No....not that I recall."
"I'm sure it isn't anything to panic about. Maybe she is in her room right now!"
I rushed out of bed and into Auggie's room. Auggie wasn't in her bed. I started to panic. She's not there. She ISN'T there. My Daughter. Where is my daughter?! Seeing me panic, that was Mr. Jinxs' cue to hold me close. Mr. Jinxs was always there for me. I can't express how much I appreciated him.
"Auggie....I need to find Auggie..."
"Honey. Honey. Look at me. We are going to find her. But first I need you to breathe for me. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in and out."
I did as I was instructed. Hours and hours had passed. Mr. Jinxs and I were walking around town, trying to find her. She was nowhere in sight. My daughter. My ray of sunshine. Where have you gone?
Days and days had passed by and there's still no sign of her. I'm now imagining the worse of the worse. I'm scared. Mr. Jinxs tried his best to comfort me through a tough time, but it was no use. My precious Daughter is gone. She has been gone for days! HOW CAN I POSSIBLY STAY CALM!?
"Darling I think I have an idea where she might've ended up...."
I looked over to Mr. Jinxs with tears in my eyes.
"Follow me."
Mr. Jinxs led me to the car, and we drove off. We arrived at a warehouse for oversize cartoon props. I was confused. I looked over at Mr. Jinxs, who was holding a baseball bat.
"Uh...why do you have that?"
"In that warehouse, the most dangerous criminals live there."
"The Banana Splits?..."
"Yes. They aren't doing anything illegal, so the police are out of the question."
"Why would they have Auggie?"
"They're criminals. They don't need an explanation."
Mr. Jinxs explained as he marched towards and opened the giant doors. Fearing for his safety, I followed Mr. Jinxs. In the warehouse, There they were. The Banana Splits. They seem like they were in the middle of playing a round of poker.
"Where is she!?-"
Mr. Jinxs screamed. The orange ape, Bingo, stood up and got in front of the group.
"Where is who?!-"
The lion, Drooper, spoke up.
"Auggie Doggy!"
Mr. Jinxs continued to yell as he held up the bat, ready to swing at Bingo.
"The dog girl that Shag hangs out with?-"
Fleegle, the leader of the gang, questioned.
"H-how do you know Shag?"
I asked. Fleegle looked over at me.
"I'm guessing you're her father?..."
"Y-yes I am..."
Fleegle sighed. Bingo piped up.
"The kids are on a camping field trip in the Jellystone Forest. The kids are suppose to be taught about the outdoors or something. We knew about this because Shag wanted us to sign the papers since we are technically his legal guardian. I don't know if uncles counted..."
"You're his uncle?..."
Mr. Jinxs asked only for Fleegle to answer.
"Well, we're technically friends with his family, but he calls us, Uncle."
She was at a camping trip. I sighed in relief, knowing Auggie was fine, but why wasn't I....
Oh right. I knew about the field trip, but the paper was handed to me months ago. I must've forgotten about it, but it seems like Mr. Jinxs had forgotten about it as well. Panic starts to kick in.
"Uh...Mr. Jinxs. I think we should leave."
"Yeah. Good idea. Run."
On cue, the both of us booked it and left the warehouse. The gang didn't chase us, nor did they thought about doing so. Good news for us, I guess.
"I never saw that side of you. I gotta say...that was surprising."
"I'm sorry you had to see that."
"It's alright, Mr. Jinxs."
"It kinda isn't. I messed with one of the most dangerous gangs in all of Jellystone. We could've gotten hurt due to my stupidity."
"I would've done the same if they actually had Auggie. They didn't seem so bad."
"Yeah. They've been quiet for a while."
"Maybe they stop doing crime?"
"I doubt it."
And with that, We've arrived at the house. Once we got inside, we were greeted by a familiar voice.
"Dads!! I was looking everywhere for you!!"
There she was, standing on one of the stair steps.
We both cried out. Auggie jumped into my arms and I held her close to me. I sobbed as I held her.
"Oh my beautiful daughter! I missed you so much. Never scare me like that again."
"I scared you?"
"Well we forgot that you were on a trip and we have been looking for you."
"Oh well I'm sorry I scared you guys, Papa."
"It's fine, Auggie. We're glad you're safe."
After that incident, Auggie made sure to notify us of upcoming events, Mr. Jinxs and I are still happily married, and together we are a big happy family.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2022 ⏰

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