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A/N: I hope y'all are enjoying this story so far. I'm falling in love with the plot, and I remember why I loved this story so much when I first wrote it. I appreciate every single like and comment I receive on this story, and I can't wait to see this story unfold. This is a picture of who I imagine Caoimhe to look like; the actress is Lana Condor!


"Ca-oy-me?" The barista hesitantly called out the butchered version of Caoimhe's name, and the Omega bristled at the mispronunciation. She stood up from her seat and bristly grabbed the frappuccino off the counter, not bothering to hide her irritation towards the human male looking at her nervously. "Was I close-"

"Not even close." He blushed with embarrassment, and Caoimhe suppressed a mean glare at the sight of her companion's smug face. Ximena was calmly sitting in her chair, wearing a maroon beanie and black sunglasses, chuckling softly at the Asian girl's displeasure. Walking back to their table, the Omega muttered, "It's not that funny, Ximena." 

"Oh, my dear compadre, it's fucking hilarious. I've never seen a man try his hardest to not fuck up and still manage to fuck up regardless." The two women were relaxing in a crowded Starbucks somewhere in the Bronx, having snuck into the city through the shifter tunnels two hours before. While Caoimhe had wanted to lie low in a hotel until the wake, her Luna vehemently protested. She apparently wanted to enjoy the city one last time; prior to her introduction to their pack, Ximena never was able to enjoy the city much, given her duties within the mob took precedent. "Anyway, this wake is supposed to happen at 7 so we have four hours to kill before then. We might as well get to know each other more." Caoimhe raised an eyebrow as she sipped on the sugary caramel drink she purchased. "Look, you helped me out in a jail break; that means you're fucking cool." The shifter huffed in annoyance before muttering, 

"I mean, it wasn't as if you gave me much of a choice, Ximena. You alpha-commanded me to do so. Also, we did have help."

-Earlier that Day-

"What makes you think she would help us???" Ximena gazed questioningly at Caoimhe, unsure of this current plan of action. The two women were waiting on the outside the kitchen door where they could hear a brisk voice barking orders at the other cooks in the room. Apparently, the only possible escape route out of Pack Gaelica territory rested in the hands of the person Ximena was least willing to engage with. 

"Ximena, Deidre was the former Luna; she helped build this village. If there are secret passages out, she'd know." The she wolf raised an eyebrow at her future Luna and chuckled. "What? Are you scared to talk to your future mother-in-law?" Ximena's dark eyes narrowed in irritation as she hissed back, 

"I'm not afraid to talk to anyone, especially her. I just don't know whether she remotely likes me, given the last time we spoke, she kicked the crap outta me." The Omega rolled her eyes. 

"She clearly approves of you. Deidre just has a certain way of getting people to do what she wants." The short haired woman merely glared at Caoimhe for a few beats before opening her mouth to retort; however, a harsh voice called out from in the kitchen. 

"I can hear you two conspiring over there. Just come in and get it over with." They both flinched, with the black haired girl pushing the door open slowly. Deidre was glaring in their general direction with an annoyed expression. While Caoimhe gazed back patiently, Ximena kept her facial expression emotionless. She clearly did not want her nervousness to be visually present during this conversation. The Omega watched in mild discomfort as both woman faced off, predecessor and successor. Deidre's blue eyes glazed over quickly, demonstrating a mind link conversation with the four other cooks in the kitchen. Immediately, the four left the room, whispering among themselves about what was transpiring between the three of them. Once the kitchen was empty of any witnesses, Deidre spoke. "I'm glad to see you walking around, Luna. A true testament to your physical and mental strength." With her arms crossed protectively over her chest, Ximena responded coldly. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2022 ⏰

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