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The room immediately went silent with the entrance of the older man, clad in black. The table had every chair filled, with the most senior members closest to the head of the table near the Don and lesser gunners further towards the other end. The two main lieutenants, Santiago and Gomez, sat on both sides of the esteemed chair, looking apprehensively at the rest of the room. They, of course, would absolutely be informed as to the cause and reason for this emergency meeting; however, the man seated next to Santiago looked entirely too smug to be in the dark. The young woman seated in the middle rolled her eyes at the sight and merely smirked at her cousin, whom was sitting across from her wearing an expressionless mask. The two were similarly featured, leading many strangers to assume they were siblings.

Both were notably beautiful with delicate brown eyes and expressive eyebrows complimented by tan skin; however, while his short hair was dark brown with a slight curl, hers was had streaks of messy blue colors. Additionally, two small studs were pierced on her lower lip, meant to compliment her helix piercing on her left ear. The clear differences between the two demonstrated their differing occupations within the organization, with the female taking part in most undercover operations and the man taking part in public rendezvous with rival bosses and officials.

As the man reached his place at the head of the table, all individuals stood up in respect. He merely nodded his acknowledgement before gesturing for them to sit down once again.

"Everyone, I am happy that you all are here. I know this is a rare occasion to meet here in my house, but with the news Jacob has given me, I felt the need to alert you all as soon as possible. Son, please stand and tell the company what you heard." The man in question, Jacob, jumped to his feet quickly and began to speak.

"I've received word from my source that Gael Gutierrez has recently gained control of Brooklyn through an alliance with the Yakuza leader, Ryo Tanaka." The room immediately became filled with intense whispering among its inhabitants. Both cousins raised their eyebrows in surprise at the news, with the woman pondering the words quietly. The man could see his relative contemplating this new information and gave her a questioning glance; despite the lack of words exchanged, she was aware that he was asking her what her thoughts on the subject were. She merely gazed back blankly.

For years, the Venezuelan mob have engaged in racial warfare against the Japanese for control over the boroughs of New York City. As of this moment, the Gutierrez family had total control over Manhattan and Queens, while having a friendly alliance with the Irish mob in the Bronx that allowed the occasional gun-running operation. However, with the defection of Gael Gutierrez, the previous second-in-command and younger brother of Don Demetrio Gutierrez, Staten Island had been cut off from the main front. This had complicated operations within the company for eleven years, yet they had adapted...until now. With an apparent alliance between the two biggest names within lower New York City, a gang war seemed imminent. The Don in question opened his mouth to comment further on the news, only to be interrupted.

"Who's the source, Jacob?" Immediately eyes flew towards the blue haired woman, shocked that she dared to cut off the Don. However, not a flicker of nervousness rested on her face; her cousin widened his eyes in surprise, yet no words were said. Jacob, unprepared for the sudden question, stammered,

"Excuse me?" Taking a deep breath, she stood up and elaborated.

"You're here accusing Gael Gutierrez of foregoing over twenty years of rivalry between the Latinos and Japanese to gain more control over NYC? Say this information is true...I bet my life that Gael would have let very few individuals in on this occurrence; and these individuals would have to be very high up his chain of command and not likely to snitch. So, who's the snitch willing to die to tell you about a possible collaboration between Gael and the Yakuza?" She allowed a condescending tone to flow through her question, smirking at the clear irritation filling Jacob's face. He snarled out,

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