The Bed of Evil

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Helen is an elf that makes toys for Santa she is generally considered the best in her department. In fact at the moment she is a supervisor and is being considered for manager of the Barbie department. It wasn't always that way. At one time she about as close to getting fired as you can get while still drawing a paycheck.

Now Santa really hates firing people. I mean he reeeally hates firing people. So anytime one of his managers comes to him with a person that they feel needs firing he will go all out to try and stop it from happening. He will first get the manager to try and help the person to get better at the job. If that doesn't work he'll move the person to all different locations trying to find a job that they are good at. But sometimes theres nothing he can do, and in the end he does have to fire them.

Helen was one of these people. She started out good, she was sixteen when she started and she was sweet, respectful, and smart. She didn't have much experience, but she learned fast, and had a talent for designing toys that children really loved to play with. For two years she was known as the one to watch. Everyone said she would be head of the entire toy division by the time she was thirty.

Then when she was eighteen she moved out of her parents house, and something happened. She started coming in late to work saying that she overslept, but she looked tired all the time. She started making mistakes, first just small ones like dropping china dolls and shattering them all over the floor. Then she painted a whole batch of baby dolls with vampire fangs and red eyes. Her boss told her not to worry about it these were mistakes everyone makes them and that they could fix them. He then told her to go home and get some sleep.

The next day she came in late again. So he decided it was time for them to have a talk. Helen came in the office knowing she was in trouble, he could see it on her face. So he cut to the chase and asked her why she was late.

That's when she told him the most ridiculous story he had ever heard. She told him all about how she couldn't get a good night sleep because every night her bed would try to eat her and she had to fight tooth and claw to get out of it the morning. He decided that she must be having nightmares.

Well George (which was her boss' name if I haven't said) told her that she needed to go to the doctor and get some sleeping pills. Then he sent her back to work.

Over the next week she came in on time every day, but then one day she never came in. That was when George decided he was done, when she came in the next morning ready to apologize he took her to Santa.

Over the next three months she got bounced from department to department. She worked in the ball department, the swing department, and the Monster High Doll department. Everywhere she went it was the same thing. She would come in late, and make foolish mistakes. All of her bosses tried to help her, but everytime she would tell them the same ridiculous story. I mean whos going to believe that your bed is trying to eat you. So, she would get shoved off onto someone else.

Then after about ten different departments she landed in the worst place in the factory. The place that at that time no one thought was going anywhere. The Minecraft department._:-) :-) :-)

There was one person working in the Minecraft department a young elf named Jens Persson. Now when Jens had had the idea for Minecraft everyone thought he was an idiot. Santa was the only one who thought it might could be a good idea so he let Jens work on it. Then when Helen had gone through pretty much every department in the North Pole Santa sent her to work with Jens hoping that the young elf could inspire her.

Of course when she got there it started out the same. She started working and Jens saw a talent that surprised him given what he had heard about her. Then she started making mistakes again. She started coming in late telling him she just couldn't sleep. He like all the others told Helen to go to the doctor, and she told him like all the others that she had already done that and it didn't help.

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