The Cat and the Cavalier

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"Miss Impoluto, are you sure you're alright?"

"Yes niña, I just need to rest!"

She was wobbling and leaning against the wall as she walked, wincing with each footfall as her burn scar constantly exposed itself to the air and made each step painful and sharp. Charybdis, who was previously taking care of Cheshire after she fainted, had enough of just being declined assistance after seeing the ship in pain.

Impoluto felt Charybdis' arm wrap around her back, as she lifted her to lean on her. "What are you doing?! I can handle it myself girl!"

"Not is this state you can't Miss Impoluto. You're clearly in pain, and even if you can handle it, I would rather not see you in unnecessary suffering." Charybdis shot down any attempts at arguing, forcing Impoluto to grumble as she was carefully brought back to her room.

Charybdis opened her door with her free hand and led the Wood ship inside, setting her down on the bed, where Impoluto laid back in the pillow and kicked off the heavy and tough boots.

*sigh*"Estoy muy cansado..." Even if there was still a fair bit of sun left in the sky, Impoluto's injury treatment and subsequent torture from hobbling around drained her immensely.

Charybdis didn't say anything, only leaving the room and letting Impoluto sleep peacefully. The Ship of the Line quickly felt the grip of sleep coax her into it's clutches, soon lulling her into rest.

That was her day, spent quietly healing in bed.

Meanwhile, the next day...

"Cheshire, está bien..."

"No Owner! I'm taking care of you and you aren't changing my mind!"

Impoluto sighed at the circumstance she found herself in, being that Cheshire was sitting next to her bed with a bowl of soup in hand, trying to feed her even though she's not even injured on her upper body.

Impoluto tried to take the spoon, but Cheshire would just pull it back. "Cheshire, it's only my lower body, and even then it's on one leg."

"Even still, you were injured, and it's my duty as your maid to take care of you until you're at one hundred and ten percent!" She was definitely staying with Impoluto until she finished the soup, much to the dismay of the Wood ship

She groaned, but finally relented. "Fine! Have it your way Cheshire, I'll let you feed me."

Cheshire's smile immediately returned, and she happily fed Impoluto, who was incredibly embarrassed to be completely babied when she's capable of caring for herself. At the very least, the soup was good, so she didn't mind too muc-


Charybdis entered the room, carrying Impoluto's fixed and washed outfit. "Pardon me Impoluto, but I have you-"


"AHHH!!" She dropped the clothes as pellets of grapeshot hit the wall next to her. She looked over to the bed with fearful eyes as Impoluto held her flintlock and aimed it at her.

"Not a single word to anyone, understood?"

"Y-yes Miss Impoluto..."

Charybdis steadily rose to her feet and grabbed the clothes again, putting them down on her dresser and quickly leaving the room. Cheshire watched the whole thing go down, completely unsure of what to do.

'If I try anything, Impoluto would throw me out the window!' She thought, as she analyzed Impoluto's fight against Warspite and how well she did despite her clear disadvantages.

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