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Inspired by the song "Sports" By - Beach Bunny!
Info - Song lyrics, this is a AU we're there is no magic :))

If you feel lonely, I could be lonely with you
Tell me, baby, why do you seem so blue?

Blake was sitting alone at the lunch tables looking around that the others, "They all look so happy.." his mumbled under his breath." "Hey! Can I sit here?" Blake looked up to see a girl with blonde hair. "I-uh y-ya sure.." Blake said softly. "Hey we can be lonely together!" She smiled sitting down. "Ya.." Blake smiled softly. "I'm Dawn!" She said holding out her hand. "Blake.." He said grabbing her hand.

Why are we so complicated?
Maybe love is overrated

"WHY DO THEY HAVE TO BE LIKE THIS!" Blake yelled. "I don't know Blake..but they don't deserve someone like you.." Dawn said sitting next to him. "Maybe love is just.." Blake started. "Hm?" Dawn asked looking into his black eyes. "Overrated.." "Mhm..." Dawn said looking down at the floor. "If only you knew how much I love you.." Dawn said under her breath.

I'm tired of waitin', I was never good at sports

"Dawwwwwwwn" Blake said. "Cmon Blake we're all most there!!" Dawn said. They were waiting in line to play Basketball. "I'm not good at sports.." Blake mumbled. "I'm not really that good but hey let's go!" Dawn laughed. "Ya sure why not.." "Well then let's go!"

Save the games for the girls on the tennis court
Say you need me, but lately, you feel unsure

"Dawn are you ok?" Blake questioned as he had his way to Dawn, who had her head to her knees. "B-Blake!" said Dawn all of a sudden. Her eyes were red, like she had been crying. "Dawn.." said Blake as he sat next to her. "What happened? Why are you upset?" "W-well I was trying to play sports with the other girls, and they told me I can't do anything.." said Dawn as her eyes were up at the sky. "Dawn...y-your the best person at sports that I know." Blake said has his cheeks went red. He looked at Dawn to see her with a big grin on her face. She hugged him and said softly. "Thank you Blake.."

Come on to me, come on to me, I need more

"BLAKE SLOW DOWN!" Dawn said running after him. "NO WHY SHOULD I-" Blake fell over. "BLAKE!" Dawn ran over to him, cupping his face. "D-dawn-?" Blake's face was red and he couldn't speak. "Are you ok?!" Dawn said. She kept asking him if he was ok but he couldn't speak.


If you feel broken, promise I won't break your heart
If you shatter, I won't let you fall apart

"WHY WHY WHY!" Blake yelled as he stuffed his head into his face. "Blake calm down.." Dawn said as she rubbed his back. "Dawn.." Blake said as he slowly lifted his head. "Yes Blake?" Dawn said sweetly. "Will you break my heart?.." Dawn's eyes widen as Blake says that. "Of course not Blake.."

Why are we so complicated?
Love's a word I've always hated

"Hey Blake?" Dawn questioned as she walked to him. "Huh oh hey Dawn" "What do you think about love..?" Dawn questioned trying not to stumble on her words. "Oh.. I never really liked the idea of love but I could give in a shot..." "Really?!" Dawn said to eagerly. "Mhm"

I'm tired of waitin', I was never good at sports
Save the games for the girls on the tennis court
Say you need me, but lately, you feel unsure
Come on to me, come on to me, I need more

It always feels like
I need more

"Dawn" "Yes Blake?" "Can you promise me something..?" "Of course" "Promise me that you will always be by me" "..." "Dawn..." "Blake of course I promise..." "Thank you Dawn.."

Jesus Christ, you're so confusing
If we keep score
Bet my money that I'm losing


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