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a late night walk

quick a/n!!

i actually wrote this chapter reallyyyy long ago like way before i started getting somewhat good at writing and i rewrote most of this but just don't be surprised if it sounds a bit weird lmao

onto the story you goo..


2:00 a.m.

You were almost finished with studying for your upcoming test when suddenly

ding !

you got a text message from your boyfriend,
todoroki shoto.

babe, could you open the door?

after you read the message, you heard a soft knock on your door signalling that someone was outside. you opened it and saw your boyfriend infront of you. you took a second to admire his breath catching features before letting him in your dorm.

"shoto, may i ask you why you're here?"

"i couldn't sleep and i figured you were still studying since i saw a small light from your window..."

"and I was wondering if you would want to go to the park with me..?"


you said optimistically

you got changed and went to a park near the school with shoto, trying your best to be quiet since it was past curfew


you two stopped by a convenient store on the way for some drinks and snacks, you got f/d and some f/f ice cream and todoroki got a yogurt cup and green tea, classic.

f/f : favourite flavour

you two arrived at the park, sat down under a bench under a cherry blossom tree while you two ate your food while sharing airpods while listening to soft romance music.

after a while, he spotted a shooting star and pointed at it then let out a cute "woah" you turned to look but missed it, disappointment spread around your features. You kept looking at the sky wishing to see another one.

soon enough, you two spotted another one. you look absolutely mesmerized, todoroki couldn't resist but to capture this moment and keep it with him forever, which he did. he forgot his flash was on tho.


you could obviously see the flash and hear the click of the camera which made him embarrassed about you knowing.

he awkwardly attempted to look away but you moved your face closer and he just couldn't help to take this opportunity to kiss you.

so he did.

the kiss was soft but also meaningful, it displayed different colors and love.



𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆— ➴

helloo,, i hope you enjoyed ♡ i already have a list of ideas for what do write just finding the right time to actually write them is the hardest part, anyways..

𝓺: whats your favourite food? mine is mochi :)

onto the next chapter you goo..

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2022 ⏰

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