Lurking in the dark

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Byleth, Edelgard, and Dimitri quickly came to the aid of Claude when he said he saw something mysterious. The three of them knew about Claude's schemes, but this seemed different. They stood all together, waiting for him to explain. Claude told them that he spotted someone run through a secret tunnel in the monastery. 

"Claude...are you certain that you spotted went through...there," Dimitri asked, pointing to the passageway, "I will say, that does look like a bit of a passageway doesn't it."

"Unless I dreamt it up while sleepwalking, there is mistaken what I saw," Claude said. 

"I never thought I'd say this, but I believe Claude's story," Edelgard added, "In fact, it reminds me of something. I have heard tales of countless passages snaking beneath Garrag Mach. This is undoubtably one of them." 

"Perhaps so. In any case, there is no telling where it leads," Dimitri said. 

"Oh no! Oh, you're right! There's no telling what we can find! Terrible danger. Wicked creatures. Unspeakable smells!" Claude joked. He was just being himself. Causal Claude, "The risk is too high your highnesses! I must humbly insist that you wait here...where it's safe and smells nice. Meanwhile teach and I will tract down the bandit shaped person. If we don't return, do me a favor and call for the knights, will ya?"

"That is quite enough," Edelgard said sharply, "As though we would allow you to make that call on your own! With so little information it's far too dangerous. We'll come along as well, right Dimitri?"

"Yes of course," Dimitri agreed, "If it was indeed a thief, we must not allow them to get away with their crime. Considering what took place in the goddess rite of rebirth, vigilance is paramount."

"Right well, tag along if you insist. Just don't come crying to me if we all meat a terrible fate got deal?" Claude said.

"Likewise. Well, no use dallying. Let's be on our way. Unless there is someone else, we should call for?" Edelgard suggested. She was a very smart one.

"We should bring, more allies, just to be safe," Byleth said. They only spoke when they feel the need too. 

"Yes, a fine idea. Though at this time, I fear few of our classmates are still awake," Dimitri said, as soon as Hilda, Linhardt, and Ashe came in to see the four talking amongst each other.

"Woah there! What's all of this professor? You and the three house leaders creeping around at night? Pretty shady if you ask me!" Hilda said, in her usual bubbly personality. 

"It's certainly a rare and unexpected sighting," Ashe added on, "especially considering the hour."

"Looks like a whole lot of something is about to happen," Linhardt then yawned, "I'm going back to bed." 

"Stop right there Linhardt. Your bad luck is our good fortune-you're coming with us!" Edelgard said delightfully. Poor Linhardt. 

"You can stop thinking ways out of this Hilda, we could use your help too," Claude smiled. 

"You as well Ashe," Dimitri said, "I'll explain everything on the way."

"Happy to help! We don't have anything else to do at this hour, so we may as well pitch in!" Ashe said, he was so nice and kind-hearted. 

"You have our gratitude. Now then, let us be on our way. Ready Professor?" Dimitri asked.

"The more the merrier I suppose. Let's just hope we aren't marching down to our doom," Claude said. 

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